Intelligence on Wuhan lab shows there’s a cover-up, but it doesn’t show why – IOTW Report

Intelligence on Wuhan lab shows there’s a cover-up, but it doesn’t show why


We have no direct evidence of a specific coronavirus quarantine accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But there is a cover-up in relation to the laboratory itself. Both concerns should be of interest to us.

President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo now say there is significant evidence that the laboratory is the source of the outbreak. Others, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, said there isn’t evidence for that assertion. Trump and Pompeo have access to the most sensitive intelligence that the U.S. government collects. Simply due to his rank and position, Fauci does not.

ABC News on Thursday reported that “an intelligence official says there is no signals or human intelligence backing up the idea” that the lab was the source of the coronavirus outbreak. Axios also echoed earlier CNN reporting that suggests U.S. allies see no evidence of a conspiracy involving the lab.

But as I explained earlier this week, this reporting is only half-right.

While I understand it is accurate to say that there is no intelligence reporting to suggest a direct link between the laboratory and the viral outbreak, there is very compelling intelligence reporting to suggest a cover-up of current and past activities at the laboratory. In that sense, it is a stretch for ABC News to say that there is no intelligence “backing up the idea” that the lab was the outbreak source.


5 Comments on Intelligence on Wuhan lab shows there’s a cover-up, but it doesn’t show why

  1. Sure you can trust the Chinese Government to be open and honest, just a little more than our own redaction experts. What the phyuck is wrong with our news outlets didn’t enough people die??

  2. There’s always a possibility the the Chinese were actually working on a weaponized form of this virus when a naturally occurring outbreak occurred in Wuhan and the Chinese government panicked in response to it, believing that their weaponized version had escaped and that was what they were seeing.

    In any event, if it was a weaponized virus, it isn’t a very effective weapon since it has far too low a kill ratio and spreads to their own people just as easily as to an enemy it is being used on. Like a nuclear bomb used at close range, it gets the enemy but gets you too. Not a good weapon to be developing since it can’t be safely used.

  3. Why the cover up? Because it IS weaponized. As far as the kill ratio is concerned, I’d say it did enough damage for an opening salvo!!
    It doesn’t have to have a high kill ratio to put fear into people and kill an economy!
    For that it takes a democRAT and Uncle Xi had a few of those to work with!

  4. “it isn’t a very effective weapon”

    welcome to the new age of the new world order of warfare.

    not open out right attacks with bombs.

    but sneaky, behind the scenes economic disruptions.

    it is better to wound your enemy than to outright kill him.
    when you wound your enemy he now has to spend resources in the care of the wounded.

    maybe fauci can infect china with the aids virus since he has spent an inordinate amount of time and money studying it, sarc.

  5. The Venn diagram of hydroxychloroquine haters and Wuhan coverup deniers is a perfect circle. And Fauci is right in the center. He up to his neck in whatever is being erased, guaranteed.


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