Interactions Between Orbits of Mars and Earth Drive Climate Change Patterns – IOTW Report

Interactions Between Orbits of Mars and Earth Drive Climate Change Patterns

Mars-caused changes in Earth’s orbit impacts ocean currents and temperatures every 2.4 million years and is known as an “astronomical grand cycle.”

16 Comments on Interactions Between Orbits of Mars and Earth Drive Climate Change Patterns

  1. There is sooooo much that influences life on earth that we have absolutely no influence on and no ability to affect compared to our miniscule contribution to a chemical that makes up less than a trace amount (0.04%) in the atmosphere.
    These climate libtards are like the ancient tribes dancing around campfires trying to persuade their “gods” to make it rain.
    The only influence we have is on our local environment….and our prayers to the REAL GOD in Heaven.


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