Interesting Alignment – Trump Makes The UniParty More Visible Than Ever – IOTW Report

Interesting Alignment – Trump Makes The UniParty More Visible Than Ever

CTH: An interesting pattern of seemingly disconnected political stories is beginning to show signs of a common continuity. In the bigger of the big pictures seven words continue to set the baseline: “There are trillions of dollars at stake”.

When the common sense Tea Party movement formed in 2009 and 2010 it contained a monumentally frustrated grassroots electorate, and the scale of the movement caught the professional republican party off-guard. When Donald Trump ran for the office of the presidency he essentially did the same thing; he disrupted the apparatus of the professional republican party.

The difference between those two examples is one was from the bottom up, and the second was from the top down. However, the commonality in the two forces resulted in the 2016 victory.

t took a few years for the heavily armored old guard of GOP to formulate a plan to retain their control.  In the example of the Tea Party, the republican power structures moved in 2011 through 2014 to co-opt the vulgarian movement and impede their disruptive influence.  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was at the forefront of those power moves.  {Go Deep} and {Go Deep}  The basic issue for the GOP was retention of power.

McConnell and crew tamped down the fire.  A few years pass and the issues that spurred the Tea Party movement remained unresolved.  In 2015 Donald Trump taps in to that exact same Tea Party frustration toward the control authority within one-half of the DC UniParty; again, the professional republican apparatus was disrupted.  The movement rebranded and now the MAGA movement wins the presidency.

So it should not come as a surprise to see an eerily similar response from within the GOP toward the new threat; the Trump presidency. After all, there are two constants in an ever changing universe: (1) “NeverTrump” didn’t go away; and (2) the Bush-clan, or GOP old guard, will never accept losing power.

The professional republicans and the professional democrats, ie. “the uniparty”, have a common enemy in President Trump. The vulgarian leader of the deplorable coalition never asked for permission; never paid the indulgency fees; never attended the necessary cloistered club meetings paying homage; and never offered the indulgent team of political elites terms for his takeover.

Thus Donald Trump, just like the Tea Party, would never be accepted.

Why is this important now?

Current events highlight the resurgence of a never disassembled GOP Bush clan influence. For the past two years it’s been a never-ending game of whac-a-mole as each of the establishment minded embeds surfaces at different times. Within the dynamic, the one commonality within the internecine conflict inside the Trump administration is the establishment GOP -vs- Trump MAGA.

Establishment GOP consultant Alex Castellanos was very open about the best design to getting rid of Donald Trump back in 2015 when he discussed an almost identical strategy for how Mitch McConnell destroyed the threat from the Tea Party a year earlier:

[…]  “The best way to do it is how Brutus killed Caesar. Get real close, snuggle up, and shiv him in the ribs”… (link)

Forgive me for mixing my metaphors here; but as each of the shiv-bearers appears, that’s when Trump is forced to deliver the whac-a-mole hammer.  It’s like having an administration filled with establishment terror cells.  Each cell acts independently, but each cell also acts based on a common objective: retain the UniParty.  more here


13 Comments on Interesting Alignment – Trump Makes The UniParty More Visible Than Ever

  1. So do the unwashed masses have the ability to understand this?

    How can it even be made widely known and to be understood by them?

    With the revolving door of those around him, how does he keep his agenda moving and also get reelected to another four years?

    So many questions for my little brain to try and contemplate.

    Great thread MJA! Look forward to the comments…

  2. We all know it. The uni-Party has not been coy in its Brutus tactics, having pulled them to get elected. We have called them traitors to their voters everytime they stabbed us in the back. President Trump’s fearless attacks and calling them out, got him elected.

    If it weren’t for Democrat cheating, the new republicans would be holding those 2018 seats lost to democrats.

    Anyone who thinks for a second that the left is upset that Hillary lost is crazy.

    The left is furious that they LOST the 2016 election,while using every dirty trick and cheat they could, including the 5th Column MSM.

  3. @Anymouse — You asked if the unwashed masses understand this.

    Yes, that’s exactly why we elected Trump. He is our tea party president. The only difference is that he was smart enough not to publicly label himself “tea party.” But we all know who he represents. That’s why one of his first successful acts of legislation was the Tax Cut (CUT, CUT, CUT) package for the middle class.

  4. If someone like DJT cannot clean out the corruption that has taken over all 3 branches of government, the bureaucracy, the educational systems, the social media platforms and interwebs, the banking clans, the lobbyists, the MSM, and the majority of low-fo voters with all their favorite protected classes and illegals, then nobody can do it and this country is headed for another civil war as soon as the demoncrats get their shock troops and cannon fodder ready to stage paris-like attacks in all major cities across amerikka at the same time so that they can overwhelm the system, create anarchy, then swoop in as the saviors with plans that only require you to give up your freedoms and sink to your knees when your betters pass by.

    Merry fucking Christmas!

  5. @Anymouse December 8, 2018 at 10:43 pm

    > So do the unwashed masses have the ability to understand this?
    > How can it even be made widely known and to be understood by them?

    How can they be made to understand how to keep the machinery The Party built humming along? Doing what it was *designed* to do? The Party’s business? According to The Party’s standards? Without The Party smiling and waving from the parade floats? Because removing The Party’s machinery leaves nothing? Anarchy. Bad.

    Yeah, @Anymouse, the seething unwashed don’t grasp the solution. Coz days stoopid.

  6. @AbigailAdams December 9, 2018 at 7:24 am

    > @Anymouse — You asked if the unwashed masses understand this.
    > Yes, that’s exactly why we elected Trump.

    Meet the new boss. Not the same as the old boss.

    No. No. He’s really, not. No constitutional crisis, here. We still get to pay for the old boss. So this one must be new.

  7. @cslamer December 9, 2018 at 7:34 am

    > If someone like DJT cannot clean out the corruption…

    A Party made man. Unwilling to flip The Party’s tables in the temple? The tables that hold his own honors?

    Yeah, it shoulda worked. Dat was da plan.

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