Interior Secretary Says 154,000 Acre Obama-Era Monument Is Here To Stay – IOTW Report

Interior Secretary Says 154,000 Acre Obama-Era Monument Is Here To Stay

DC: Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke will not recommend any changes to California’s Sand to Snow National Monument in his final report to President Donald Trump on revising monuments designated under the Antiquities Act, according to an Department of Interior (DOI) statement Thursday.

The Interior Department is expected to publish a final report of Zinke’s recommendations to Trump Aug. 24. Trump authorized the national monument review in an April 26 Executive Order.

“Today, I am recommending that no changes be made to the Sand to Snow National Monument and that the Monument is no longer under official Department of the Interior review,” Zinke announced in the press release.   read more

13 Comments on Interior Secretary Says 154,000 Acre Obama-Era Monument Is Here To Stay

  1. For F’s sake.
    What’s the point of having Trump if his Administration is going to perpetuate the (admittedly “symbolic,” in this case) spinelssness?!?

    Where’s the full-fanged DoJustice going after Antifa, BLM?!?


  2. The main purpose of State and Federal Agencies is to grow in scope of responsibility and increase Personnel. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke met both criteria.

    In actuality, the government owns “all” US land.
    I pay the government property taxes of over $350 a month.
    We are just land renters, even when we own the home.

    As a Slave to the state, I can live in my own home as long as I pay property rent as taxes to the government.

    Big government is taking care of me and helping divest myself and family from what little wealth I accumulated after working 48 years and paying taxes for everything except the air I breathe.

  3. Dammit! I had plans to open up a donut shop right on top of the sandy one. I figured the aroma of a cakey dessert would have people climbing the mountain just to buy one. Shit!

    In related news : Nevada is only 81% owned. Feds don’t want to seem too greedy, I guess.

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