Internal Allegations Of Racism Throw Soros-Funded Anti-Police Group Into Turmoil – IOTW Report

Internal Allegations Of Racism Throw Soros-Funded Anti-Police Group Into Turmoil

Daily Wire

A George Soros-funded nonprofit that steers left-wing prosecutors in major American cities is in turmoil after much of its minority staff accused their leader of being racist and abusive.

Long-simmering discontent at Fair and Just Prosecution reached a new high in April when Sherry Boston, the elected district attorney of Dekalb County, Georgia, accused FJP Executive Director Miriam Krinsky of racism for excluding her from a New York City event, emails obtained by The Daily Wire show.

Krinsky, who is white, replied by disparaging Boston and saying she was excluded from events because of merit, not race. Krinsky appeared to suggest that Boston, a black Democrat, had failed to advance “racial justice” by prosecuting too many crimes. MORE

6 Comments on Internal Allegations Of Racism Throw Soros-Funded Anti-Police Group Into Turmoil

  1. what else is new?
    Progressivism/Marxism/Satanism is by nature virulently racist. It is a pathological worldview and political philosophy that attracts malicious, maladjusted malcontents. It is particularly exploitative and predatory.

  2. White shitlibs push policies that increase violent crime in black communities 5 fold and then are shocked with the smarter blacks finally figure out who the real goddamn racists are.


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