Internal Fox News Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Viewership Collapse – IOTW Report

Internal Fox News Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Viewership Collapse

National Pulse- Following Fox News prematurely calling the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden, the network’s ratings have plummeted to never before seen levels below CNN and MSNBC.

Last Friday’s ratings for the supposedly “conservative” outlet were less than both CNN and MSNBC for the first time in years, according to an internal Fox document containing viewership analytics.The numbers show that on November 6th, Fox pulled 2,266,000 viewers while CNN saw nearly twice as many at 4,009,000 viewers. Similarly, MSNBC, per Fox’s internal numbers, counted 2,983,000 viewers, beating Fox by over 700,000 viewers.Internal data reveals this slump: more

33 Comments on Internal Fox News Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Viewership Collapse

  1. I haven’t watched Fox in years, maybe I should start watching it again just to see what they are saying about this?

    FWIW, they’ve done more than just call it for Biden prematurely, they’re actively quashing mention of the irregularities and probable fraud on their channel by the Trump side.

  2. Fox used to be exceptional in a world of leftist media. Then the progs in charge fundamentally transformed them into just another click to the left on the dial. Conquest’s Second Law of Politics, and it also holds for nations. All we can control is the speed.

    “Watch Dobbs on youtube.
    Watch Carlson on youtube.”

    In a year or two, we’ll be lamenting the demise of youtube, too. They’re already decaying.

  3. So their solution is a hard left to try and get CNN viewers.

    Good luck Wallace.

    Try suckering up to Soros again, but I think he has already fucked you guys up when you cut off Newt and pissed off your viewers who actually think critically.

  4. Means nothing to them. Commies don’t care about making money. Commies only care about taking power.

    When you have all the power, you don’t need money. You get everything you want anyway.

  5. The text refers to numbers for November 6, but the CNN table had all programs labeled “Election Day” and “Election Night”. The titles and sources and all of the column headings are missing from the two tables, so we can’t confirm what the dates are or know what demographics these are. The first numbers column with numbers in the 50s, is supposedly what? In short, this is a mess.

  6. Well maybe they can write a book on how to screw your brand in 12 easy steps?
    For billionaires, none of these people seem very smart. I guess hatred has a way of affecting your vision of the obvious. TV and cable news/sports is dead.

  7. Phuckem’ all. I hope Hollywood and MSM die, when Trump wins. I hope there is a list of “Journalist” that get the ax for false reporting. Fines, jail time, permanent exile. If it were Chine, they would just disappear in the night.

  8. Just read that Foxnews did not air Jeanine Perro on Saturday, suspending her for the weekend, I guess they knew that she was going to flame their ass and their pussy sensibilities couldn’t handle it.

    I suspect that Jeanine, Tucker, Levin, and the rest of those that still maintain their dignity are locked into contracts that 1) forbid them from criticizing their own network and 2) force them to stay onboard a sinking ship. I also bet that Fox pays their heavyweights way more than the other networks.

    Of course, money is important to them, bad ratings mean less ad revenue, even progs, dilettantes and lib fart snifers like the Murdock boys need capital.

  9. Fox is now run by Murdoch’s cretin son, rino rat Paul Ryan and Disney (who is no friend of children or America).

    Stick a fork in it -it’s done. So is the NY Post, which is now also run by Murdoch’s cretin son.

  10. I continue to try to figure out what the strategy was at Fox. The left had labeled them toxic, leaving them with conservatives and (some) independents. Did they believe that the progs would embrace them if they turned on Trump? Puzzling. It is now a network without an audience. Remember, if you keep cable you still support them.


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