International Task Force Puts Iran on Terrorism Financing Blacklist – IOTW Report

International Task Force Puts Iran on Terrorism Financing Blacklist

Legal Insurrection: “Blacklist would broaden U.S. effort to isolate Tehran financially and potentially further strain the Iranian economy.”

In another win for President Donald Trump’s strategy of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran, the top global watchdog monitoring terrorism funding has placed the regime on its blacklist.

The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced the sanction on Friday after Tehran refused to comply with the internationally-accepted terrorist financing conventions despite repeated warnings since 2017. Iran now joins North Korea as the second country on the blacklist. read more

4 Comments on International Task Force Puts Iran on Terrorism Financing Blacklist

  1. Oooohhhh! An “international” office of The Federal Reserve! That’s like “bipartisanship”! And something, something… dark side! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

  2. Well the state of New Jersey (yeah, it’s in a terrible state) announced that White Supremacists were the biggest threat to life and liberty.

    Even if there were 500,000 Kluxmen and Neo-Nazis raising hell in America, that is .0015 of the total population.

    White Supremacists – a big nothing burger.


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