Internet censorship is about to get so much worse – IOTW Report

Internet censorship is about to get so much worse


7 Comments on Internet censorship is about to get so much worse

  1. The global Left has decided that it is too dangerous (re: Trump, Brexit) to pretend to tolerate the free flow of information and ideas any longer, unless it aides their goals.

    So what will continue is propaganda, fake news, falsified history, porn, mind-numbing entertainment, useless distracting sports, etc.

    What cannot be allowed to continue…IOTW, etc.

  2. I don’t know what you big ============ think is going to happen if you type ========== speech, but I for one know that censorship will not ============== in the USA because ======= is =========== ====== and you can all suck my ===== and kiss my ======== and go to ===========.

  3. So long as the supreme court and the constitution/bill of rights are upheld, we should be safe from this sort of censorship.

    This is happening in Europe? But of course it is! They gave away their individual statehood when they joined the goddamn EU.

  4. @chuffed, lots of Brits are SICK about their country–they desperately want what they voted for: Brexit. As far as censorship, get on board with Gab & Dissent–Communists and Democrats hate Gab (and can’t control it).

  5. me is right chuf, but so are you. Censorship is taking many forms, one on a State level is guns (confiscations, regs, etc), another is baby parts pulling, another is Liberal lies, another is immigration, the list goes on. It is a freaking assault on everything sacred. Everyman now must take stock and determine his own responses to being walked upon.
    They are obsolescing us, but they are the Obsolete.

  6. I don’t want to get all “black helicopter-y”, but, because of who controls social media, Amazon, youtube, google, etc., is there any doubt that if/when the socialist-democrats seize power, all your searches, purchases, etc. will be turned over to the democrat gestapo. See China.


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