Interview with author/futurist Arthur C. Clarke: 1976 – IOTW Report

Interview with author/futurist Arthur C. Clarke: 1976

From Doc:

I’m sure you all have seen the Science Fiction movie 2001 A Space Odyssey either in the theater, on TV or at least seen it listed in the TV guide.  I was fortunate enough to attend the premier in 1968 in Tokyo at the Cinerama.

It was based on the short story The Sentinel written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1951, WHO also happens to be the “Father of Satellite Communications” and one of the worlds most renowned Science Fiction writers. 
Here’s an interview with Sir Arthur from 1976 about his views of the future, thought you might find it interesting. 

11 Comments on Interview with author/futurist Arthur C. Clarke: 1976

  1. The world was completely different in 1976 when I was 23 years old. We only had 3 TV networks plus PBS, no talk radio, land lines for phones all leased from AT&T, cars with little if any safety equipment, no computers or internet but we did have expensive hand held calculators. People used to talk to each other over the phone or write letters, I took all my notes in college with a fountain pen (I still love good fountains pens with bold blue ink) written in a notebook using cursive writing and wrote all my papers on a typewriter. Our first house in 1977 cost us $17,500 dollars. It was still prior to jimma carta screwing up everything economically and giving us the Ayatollahs in Iran because the Shah was such a notorious human rights violator (bullshit!). We had just celebrated the Bicentennial and we were a far freer nation then. I believe we were a better nation then but we strayed in letting the hippies and lefttards take over everything culturally as they gradually took over in a march thru the academies that we’re reaping the whirlwind from now. And homosexuals were still queers and freaks long before they became mainstreamed much to our cultural demise. God was still respected and hadn’t been totally marginalized yet and the commies were still the bad guys. I grew up in a much more free era in America when we still believed in traditional American values. For all of our electronic gadgets and gizmos and other electronic snooping devices we were better and more free back then than we are now when everything is controlled by the media, hollyweird, the democraps and a gutless, weenie GOP except for Trump who is despised because he represents traditional American values and the left can’t have that. And we weren’t scared yet of globull warming, phony pandemics etc. that have turned at least half of us into spineless cowards who believe all the bs the left spews. I am glad that I was born when I was in the mid 50’s when everything was still normal more or less, we had our problems but nothing like what we have now where too many people are scared of their own shadows because they don’t believe in God and put their trust in a corrupt govt., hoping it will solve all their problems. I prefer the old America, it hasn’t completely disappeared yet but it’s rapidly getting there and I’m more afraid for my 3 children and 5 grandchildren that they may never have true freedom like we did back then. May God forbid that never happens in America but I will fight to my dying breath to see that it doesn’t happen like what happened to the Russians 100 years ago when they forgot God.


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