Investigation into Florida doctor who died two weeks after COVID-19 vaccine – IOTW Report

Investigation into Florida doctor who died two weeks after COVID-19 vaccine

NYP: A Florida doctor died more than two weeks after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine — though whether the shot played any role remains under investigation.

Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, an OB-GYN at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, died Monday after experiencing a hemorrhagic stroke, the Palm Beach Post reported.

The medical episode is believed to have been caused by a lack of platelets, the outlet reported.

Michael had received the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 18 then experienced a “strong reaction,” according to his wife, Heidi Neckelmann. more here

9 Comments on Investigation into Florida doctor who died two weeks after COVID-19 vaccine

  1. He could have shrivelled up and died right after getting the vaccine and they wouldn’t blame it on the vaccine.

    Funny, I read about an obese 84 year old diabetic woman who died of a heart attack but tested positive for COVID. They said that COVID weakens the heart so they counted it as a COVID death. So you can get run over by a truck and they say it is a COVID death, but you die after getting the vaccine and they say, “Move along, folks. There is nothing to see here.”

    I bet that doctor has been sick since shortly after getting the vaccine.

  2. Investigation (noun): 1) a hypothetical occurrence alleged to occur to make people think that those in power actually give a shit when something they champion goes wrong. 2) an actual process used against anyone who opposes those in power.

  3. I have read about two different elderly people who died within 2 hours after taking the vaccine, but their family were told it was just a coincidence. I’ve also read that some of these nurses who had severe allergic reactions died, but they’re keeping it covered up.
    Then there was a nurse who posted a video of 3 days after the shot coming down with what they’re calling bells palsy, yet after 3 weeks it had not went away. Then there was another woman who became paralyzed on one side that they cannot find a cause for.

    My sister who is an idiot that my mother gave authority over her medical told them to give my mother the vaccine in the nursing home. She has alzheimers so she doesn’t know any better. My idiot sister sees nothing wrong with it though as somehow she managed to get the shot as well. I told her months ago that her dumbass with her mask, shield and gloves to drive to the store to pick up her groceries that she is a dumbass sheeple that would be the first in line for the shot that probably will come equipped with a chip to send her dumbass to hell and the first in line for the train car to take her to a safe place. She denied that she was a sheeple or that she would get the vaccine and that I was evil for calling her a sheep or blaming her for businesses going under and turning us into a socialist country. She’s too damn stupid to see her kind is the reason they’ve gotten away with it.


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