Daily Caller: While former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams publicly pitches herself as a potential running mate for former Vice President Joe Biden, the state ethics commission still has an “active investigation” into her 2018 campaign, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
“The investigation into the Abrams campaign remains ongoing,” David H. Emadi, the executive director of the Georgia Government Transparency & Campaign Finance Commission, told the DCNF in an email.
He added: “Because it is an active investigation, we cannot comment any further pursuant to Rule 3.6 of the Rules of Professional Responsibility of the State Bar of Georgia.”
The commission is investigating allegations that Abrams’s campaign illegally coordinated with outside groups in violation of campaign finance laws. Emadi said in December 2019 that a nonprofit tied to Abrams acted as a de facto political committee during the campaign. read more
According to Tank Abrams she be the rightful gubnor of jawga. She ain’t conceded nuttin.
We didn’t elect her because we couldn’t afford to feed her.
Abrams Tank – taking entitlement to the next level – VP of the USA
18 months, and they are still investigating? They already know the answer, just too scared to publish their conclusions. because black lives matter, or something.
She has ethics? Oooookay!
A looser that does not give it up?
“Sheit, muffa! (FAAAAAARRRTTTT)”
“That come out yo mouf?”
“Uhh… (giggle) dat smellin like ass, yo!”
They have manatees in Georgia? I did not know that.
Florida has Manatees. Georgia is where the Manatee vodka is distilled.
Sounds like the racist beoch has the qualifications to be a Democrat.
Corrupt, incompetent, fascist and fat as a house.
Fat, stupid and ugly. The KISS principle of Stacey Abrams.
A fat, entitled and perpetually angry negro. A perfect fit for the party of parasites.
How’d you like to be the person in line next to her at some all you can eat cafeteria working your way down the steam tables as she carelessly flicks an elbow and sends you flying across the room. When she reaches the end of the line she’ll require 4 porters to carry her trey to the table.
I hoid she got The Gap band outta retirement to play he campaign music…
Wassamatter, can’t get past the gap in her teeth?
The last I read about the “investigation” was that there were seven nonprofit organizations supporting her campaign that were all managed or controlled by friends or family members. Supposedly there were millions in campaign funds that were funneled back into the nonprofit orgs to pay high dollar salaries to those managing the nonprofits.
This should have already been before a grand jury.
ode to a wannabe:
.an opotamus-twerker named tank
.ran 2nd in georgia and stank
.said it was votah-soup-ression,
.then mo’ rayciss aggres-shun,
.her b**t be deservin’ 1st-rank!
“Georgia Government Transparency & Campaign Finance Commission”.
That moniker tells you everything you need to know. The investigation will cost Georgians tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars and will do nothing…. repeat, nothing… to her.
The alternate name for the is the pro longed paper shuffling and bottom of the deck dealing Committee.
Her sister is a federal judge, so she has cover from her if it ever goes beyond investigation into indictments, I’m sure her posse has some legal scamming lawyer available to force/blackmail/coerce any hearings thru her courtroom to find her innocent.