Investigation Launched Over 10 Suspicious Deaths, Including One Homicide, at West Virginia VA – IOTW Report

Investigation Launched Over 10 Suspicious Deaths, Including One Homicide, at West Virginia VA

Legal Insurrection:

Three people have told USA Today that authorities have launched an investigation into the Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center in Clarksburg, West Virginia, due to 10 suspicious deaths.

A federal medical examiner ruled one death a homicide.

Authorities exhumed the body of Army veteran Felix Kirk McDermott, 82, in October due to the investigation into the other deaths. From USA Today:

A federal medical examiner conducted an autopsy and concluded that McDermott’s sudden death on April 9, 2018, was caused by an injection of insulin into his abdomen – which can kill someone who is not diabetic.

There was no order for the injection in McDermott’s hospital records, and he had no history of diabetes or insulin use to control his blood sugar levels, according to the autopsy report.

“It’s just not right,” his daughter Melanie Proctor told USA TODAY. “I thought my dad was safe there.”

Proctor, whose father had dementia, and her lawyer said investigators with the VA’s Office of Inspector General told them his death is one of about 10 they are reviewing, a figure confirmed by a person briefed on the federal investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity.

No one told McDermott’s family how he died. He went to the VA for treatment for pneumonia. read more

7 Comments on Investigation Launched Over 10 Suspicious Deaths, Including One Homicide, at West Virginia VA

  1. Utterly unfixable, the VA deep state is worse than the FBI, etc. You even whisper the work or accountability as an employee at the VA and they will target you, undermine you and work full force against you. They are able to do this because NONE of them really work and have an actual tangible work product. They all have meaningless titles and hide from a full day of clinical work in endless meetings, committees and conferences. So they have ample time to devote to work against you and the best part for them is they are being paid BY YOU to do so. PRIVATIZE THE VA

  2. Ive said this before; but it clearly needs repeating! the VA has been a diaster for 58 years! I knew a “Dough Boy” who was forced to depend on the VA for his healthcare. It was too bad to have been called “abysmal”!
    His “care” probably shortened his life by a decade. The VA since ’61 has been DEATH PANELS for sure!

  3. Want to know what “free” government health care will look like? Look at the closest thing that exists now.

    Unless and until the feral gruberment proves it can provide quality health care for our veterans it is insane to suggest it’s capable of doing so for the entire population.

  4. my son gets his care at this facility……so far, it looks like this murderer is targeting much older vets….still, this tells us something about the mindset of people working in VA hospitals……and i worry about what might happen to my son, if this killer ever gets his hands anywhere near my kid…..

    …..which, apparently, is….kill them off when they get too expensive… son doesn’t have to be old, he’s 100% disabled, which is pretty expensive to the VA….

    and this is what the dems have in mind for ALL of us, once we get medicare for all….

    if you vote for a democrat in ANY election, you are endorsing government murdering inconvenient people……not just babies in the womb…..

    anyone who costs too much……cancer patients, dialysis patients, aids patients… cost too much, you don’t get treated……

    this is how it works all around the world, where ever they have “free health care”… cost too much, you don’t get treated……


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