Investigations show how a CCP-connected skank gave Bidens pointers on defeating Trump in 2020 – IOTW Report

Investigations show how a CCP-connected skank gave Bidens pointers on defeating Trump in 2020

GP: Evidence China Was Colluding with the Bidens and Providing Information on How to Defeat President Trump in the 2020 Election.

The Biden gang’s relationship with the CCP included colluding with the CCP on a strategy to beat President Trump in the 2020 election.

Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop at a PC repairman more than a year ago for repairs.  Hunter’s laptop eventually became the property of the PC repairman due to Hunter’s inability to return and pick up his computer.  Per the agreement signed by Hunter and the repairman, if Hunter didn’t pick up his laptop, the laptop became the property of the PC repairman.  Hunter never picked up his laptop.

Over the past few months, experts have been analyzing Hunter’s laptop.   Based on these reviews, we have reported various disgusting details of Hunter’s life and the Biden family by analyzing this data.  Hunter kept a diary on the laptop.  He also backed up his text messages and kept pictures and videos of himself and prostitutes and family members doing drugs and having sex.  Hunter even uploaded some of these sex tapes onto the porn site PornHub:

Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer today provides some more shocking findings hidden on Hunter’s laptop.

Hidden between tens of thousands of emails, IMs, documents, videos, sound recordings, and encrypted files is a collection of communications between Hunter Biden and one JiaQi.


8 Comments on Investigations show how a CCP-connected skank gave Bidens pointers on defeating Trump in 2020

  1. It is a mistake to posture as if it is Biden, or even the Biden family, as integral to the ongoing coup, rather than a large criminal cabal with worldwide ties, and with relation to which, the Bidens comprise one small portion of (albeit well-compensated) foot soldiers. Otherwise, carry on…

  2. Jackass Joe: The child-fondling 48 year Political FAILure who sold his country to the ChiComs and pimped-out his coked-out kid to be bag-man! He is the do Nothing, Blow-Hard, word-botching, stats-fumbling, money-laundering, crayon-eating, window-licking, demented, muttering, stuttering, mumblin, stumblin criminal who by his own admission is a Gaffe Machine! This is an imbecile that not even Karl Childers wants to be associated with who loves to drink, tell off-color dwarf jokes, gives dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three and loves playing mumbly-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds while singing Villages commercials. After almost half a century of treading water the only way this angry prick was going to get ahead was by cheating, stealing and selling country down the river for his own personal gain which included the help from his whole entire family of liars, grifters, cheaters, druggies and perverts… and somehow, without even campaigning, this incompetent buffoon managed to get more votes than the Magic Negro! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol!

  3. TRF you got it wrong and I don’t know how you can say something like that.
    Biden doesn’t drink.
    At least he says he doesn’t.
    But he lies so who knows.
    p.s. – You got everything else right.


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