Investigative reporter Julie Kelly digs up concerning dirt on Jack Smith — now, everyone has questions – IOTW Report

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly digs up concerning dirt on Jack Smith — now, everyone has questions

Revolver: There is a feverish 2024 election-interference plot underway to ensure that President Trump is not re-elected to the White House, and one of the key figures leading this plot is a Democrat operative named Jack Smith. Jack will tell you that he’s pursuing Trump because “nobody is above the law” — a laughable catchphrase that the Deep State loves to use to maintain the illusion of a real justice system. Sadly, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Mr. Smith isn’t seeking justice; he’s determined to remove the most popular political figure in U.S. history while ensuring his allies never face any consequences whatsoever. That’s precisely what investigative reporter Julie Kelly unraveled when she delved into Mr. Smith’s sordid past. It turns out that Jack has a history of turning a blind eye to the Biden Boys and their decades-long family-run criminal dynasty. more here

16 Comments on Investigative reporter Julie Kelly digs up concerning dirt on Jack Smith — now, everyone has questions

  1. We all know Smith is crooked. They know most people know. They don’t care. They control the entire DOJ.
    The media is an effective propaganda arm for them.
    Garland appointed Smith because of his crooked past.
    In the eyes of Dirty Dems dishonesty is a plus.

  2. This guy has to be so corrupt to sell out the country and have hands in everything. He is a ponzi-scheme artist trying to get buyers to cover up his past crimes.

  3. When’s his birthday? I’d like to present him with a find collector’s item vintage brake-bar-less chain saw and a DIY book on how to carve totem poles from creosoted railroad crossties.

  4. Meanwhile the walls are closing in, the grip is tightening. The all caps ranting & raging increasing. All attempts to stall or stopping the inevitable are destined to fail.

  5. “Meanwhile the walls are closing in, the grip is tightening. The all caps ranting & raging increasing. All attempts to stall or stopping the inevitable are destined to fail.”

    Is it me, or does it sound like he’s grabbing someones dick? With his lips.

  6. Hmmm… well… mmm… hmmm… nothing from nothing leaves… nothing. Remember Benghazi? Hammers and BlackBerrys? Awan brothers? Mmmff… ehh… Yas, yas, justice will not be mocked… a due will be paid. Harrumph…

  7. @mr_pinko
    AT 10:52 PM
    “Why just let the American people decide if Trump should go back to the White House? What are they afraid of?
    #Trump2024 or BUST!“
    Reagan -Mondale (1984) that’s what

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