Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI – IOTW Report

Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

Don’t forget the FBI’s twin, Mossad.
You know… allegedly.

10 Comments on Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

  1. Well of course he was an asset of the FBI. These Demoncrats are out to destroy the USA. With the help of the RINO’s, the UNI-Party is going to disarm, destroy, and starve the remnants of our formerly great G-d Fearing USA. Can’t express more than ever that we have to ask the Lord for protection and pray we have more than one clip holding 10 rounds of personal protection.

  2. Not a big fan of Mr. Gorilla Mind Set Cernovich. He’s like one of this little dogs that keep nipping at your heels. And I think he’s wrong here. It’s the CIA behind most of whats been going on in our country. Including a couple stolen elections. They’re working hand in hand with the EU and NATO on our wide open border. In fact I’d go so far as to say the CIA is giving orders to the Coup. Not visa versa.

  3. ” one clip holding 10 rounds of personal protection”

    Dang, tell me you don’t know shit about guns with out telling me you don’t know shit about guns.

    A clip feeds a magazine, a magazine feeds a gun. MAG. Like MAGA, just don’t include the last A.


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