Okay, this is our very first cage match!! It’s a DUMB OFF.

Who wins in your opinion?

Vote for

A : Gone To Soon


B: I Can’t Breath







  1. Every sibling rivalry had the phase, “I can’t breathe” at some point. Usually when the older one holds down the spastic younger one. The little one will scream, I can’t breathe!

  2. Typos and misspelling are 2 different things.
    I just wrote “up” in a previous comment, and I certainly didn’t make a tee shirt with Thumb Uo on it.

    My problem is that I’m blind.

  3. “I can’t breath.”

    It is SO preposterous. Dude, if you can yell you can breath. STOP fighting and the cops won’t have to use such force.

    My husband’s preceptor once looked such a guy in the eye, told him that since he was outweighed by 150lbs, he wouldn’t try to subdue the guy, he would just shoot him. The guy wisely shut up and turned around. Three sets of cuffs linked together…

  4. Why are we so critical over a missing “o” which is silent and, therefore, redundant or a missing “e” which also is not pronounced directly, but only serves to the breath breathe?

    Wait until we see what our language looks like in a few more years with all that Twitter,emailing, etc. children are not even being taught to write in cursive. We have become lazy and careless.

    Remember how the language changed in the movie Idiocracy? At the rate we are going, it won’t even take 500 years.

  5. It may seem like I’m being a petty spelling Nazi, but it’s really not my intent, because certainly I’ve made mistakes in the past and I’m going to make them again. (Although I don’t think I’d mess up a three word teeshirt that I proofread before sending to the printer.)

    It’s just that this began as the favorite sport of the left.
    They tore apart TEA party signs, scouring desperately for any and all errors and they had entire sites devoted to them.

    I’m doing this because this will irk the left who coddles blacks like they are their special needs children.

    I do this because they claim the left is the party of intelligentsia, but for this to be true they have to completely dismiss a huge swath of their voter base who, let’s face it, are not gifted in the educational arts.
    You can dismiss the Bell Curve as poppycock, but you can’t dismiss what minorities do to the curve of the “party of intelligentsia.”

    I’ll take a team of 9 Derek Jeters over a team of 3 Babe Ruths and 6 Ozzie Cansecos.

  6. Go to any lefty site and see what happens when a conservative misspells a word in a comment. The lefties will invalidate the entire point of the comment for a minor typo. I misspelled “desparate” once and got a least a half dozen comments pointing it out, but no rebuttal to the original point. So, no, it is not petty.

  7. I have to defend the shirt company.
    They print what is submitted and they won’t correct your spelling.
    They might print up 300 shirts with the spelling corrected only to find out the spelling error was intentional.

    If you’re lucky you might get an e-mail or a phone call asking you about the potential error.

  8. Without a doubt, “A” gets my vote.

    When BFH first posted that, I LMAO so hard I almost hyperventilated.
    I think part of it is that photo of the father/stepfather(?) looking so fucking smug, without realizing he’s a walking billboard for illiteracy.
    That set the bar so high, I’m not easy to impress anymore.
    But I’m sure they’ll find a way to outdo themselves.

  9. heeheehee @ Ladygun12

    BFH, I said once that I don’t blame the tattoo artist who spells incorrectly because the customer will often show up with a drawing and writing for the artist to copy. HOWEVER… If the customer shows up and lets the artist go freestyle- “I dunno, just put a giraffe on it and write ___ below it.” It’s the tattoo artist AND the customer’s fault. In conclusion, it will end up on the internet and make me LMAO. And that’s what’s important here. My amusement. lol.

  10. In my earlier life as a state employee, I sent a draft rule around for review. One of the executives reviewing the draft suggested I check the spelling of the word “public” on a specific page. Sure enough, our intent to “protect the general public” ended up with an embarrassing anatomical reference. Funny how a single letter can change the whole meaning.

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