Iowa City Man Claimed ‘Large Bag of Weed’ That Fell Out Of His Shirt Wasn’t His – IOTW Report

Iowa City Man Claimed ‘Large Bag of Weed’ That Fell Out Of His Shirt Wasn’t His

Rock108: Cops were originally called about a disturbance at an apartment building in Iowa City last Saturday around 3:00 am.  When they showed up, they found a 19-year-old dude named Kyle Clark and another dude “face to face yelling at each other.”

Kyle saw the cops and started walking away.  Then the cops noticed that he “had a very large bulge under his shirt near the waist line like he was trying to hide something.”  When they asked him if he had weed in his shirt, Kyle walked down some stairs which turned out to be a dead end.

As the cops were cuffing him, “a very large bag of marijuana fell from under his shirt. He claimed it wasn’t his.” more

16 Comments on Iowa City Man Claimed ‘Large Bag of Weed’ That Fell Out Of His Shirt Wasn’t His

  1. However many brain cells it takes to remember to say to the cops, “I’m not saying anything until I talk to a lawyer,” and then shut up, ol’ Kyle came up short of that number.

    I suppose “I’m a CI for the DEA” might cut you some slack but that could come back to bite you in the balls.


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