Iowa Dem Senate Candidate Theresa Greenfield Has Published No Policy Positions – IOTW Report

Iowa Dem Senate Candidate Theresa Greenfield Has Published No Policy Positions


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) has surged in the polls by telling Iowa voters she has a plan for everything. Meanwhile, the Democrat running to unseat Sen. Joni Ernst in the state has yet to outline a single policy position.

Theresa Greenfield has not posted a single policy to her campaign website since launching her Senate bid in June. The Iowa businesswoman, who has attracted the backing of national party leaders, avoids policy details on the campaign trail. And while Greenfield continuously attacks Ernst’s platform, she has yet to establish one of her own.

Greenfield has acknowledged this shortcoming. At an April health care forum she confessed to voters that she was “not a policy wonk,” and would only be able to offer “some insights and just some anecdotal stories.” Her campaign launch video in June was largely biographical, labeling her “a proud farm kid with farm kid values.” She received the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsement within days of entering the race. more

7 Comments on Iowa Dem Senate Candidate Theresa Greenfield Has Published No Policy Positions

  1. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) has surged in the polls by telling Iowa voters she has a plan for everything.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) has surged in the polls by telling Iowa voters she has a TAX for everything.

    Fixed it for ya.

  2. Not a policy wonk eh? Just doesn’t have time nor brain power to consider all of those tedious policy icky things.. But she has the resounding backing of the big D money machine even without espousing a platform.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne


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