Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds removes COVID-19 social distancing, mask rules – IOTW Report

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds removes COVID-19 social distancing, mask rules

Just The News:

Iowa businesses and gatherings no longer face social distancing requirements since Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds  signed a new measure that went into effect on Sunday.

The mask wearing requirement in the state has also been lifted.

“I strongly encourage that all businesses or other employers remaining open with in-person operations take reasonable measures under the circumstances of each establishment to ensure the health of employees, patrons and members of the public, including social distancing practices, increased hygiene practices and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19,” the governor’s recently signed Public Health Disaster proclamation says.

12 Comments on Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds removes COVID-19 social distancing, mask rules

  1. I wouldn’t be congratulating her much, she did her fair share of shutting down businesses and mandating masks. We were in Iowa several times this past year and it was hard to find restaurants open that could abide by all the rules.
    One time there were 7 of us, 5 adults and 2 kids, we couldn’t even find a restaurant where we could all sit together because her rule was no more than 6 at a table. She even had race tracks shut down to half capacity, the only group of people I found who didn’t run around with masks on.
    Iowa ran a close race with Texas on the amount of people obeying and wearing their masks like good little sheep.

  2. Due to lung condition that happened when I was in the Army, 50 years ago. wearing a mask is hard. I just cannot take a good breath. But living in Socialist Minnesota, I have to wear a mask. I have had my 1st Wuhan virus shot and will get my second shot this week. Yet the powers that be in this state say I still have to wear a mask. Maybe two masks as the powers that be think Dr. Falunky is all knowing. Oh, I wish I was in Florida sipping good Scotch and getting a nice tan.

  3. Another lucky state with good leaders. My, we have a lot of photogenic and smart conservative women around. Maybe these gals will lead us out of the morass we’re in.

    There is some real feminism for the leftists to ponder.


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