Iowa State Fair – IOTW Report

Iowa State Fair

President Donald J. Trump Speaks at the Iowa State Fair.

Try and Milk a Bull and See How that Goes” – Kari Lake Dunks All Over New York Times Reporter in Iowa and Makes Remarks Mocking Gender Ideology While Milking a Cow.

Vivek Ramaswamy Performs Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ at Iowa State Fair.

138 Comments on Iowa State Fair

  1. I just want to say that I love this website. You keep everything so up-to-date, I find myself pulling up the website 5 to 7 times a day. Love it! thank you for all you do.



    It is an unreal song that is quickly catching FIRE.


    I’m surprised no one has linked it here yet that I know of.

    He REALLY RIPS POLITICIANS & the current State of the WORLD/USA

  3. How do you know that joe6?
    Did he say this?
    Did you read his mind?

    Fact is, DeSantis is getting a TON of support from Iowans.
    Including the governor and many Iowa lawmakers.

    Just doing my usual fact-checking, nothing whatsoever to do with my epidermis…

  4. How is DeSantis gonna win the Iowa debate and caucus when he can’t win the Iowa State Fair…..
    LocoBlancoSaltine said this on 8/9/23..”.DeSantis is just getting warmed up.
    When he trounces everyone in the debate in two weeks he will have clear sailing.
    He will likely win Iowa and then Trump will go on a run and win the nomination.”… The Bailiff abides and this LBS quote will haunt with no chance of moving the goal posts…..

  5. The thing Trump desperately needs to realize is that it’s not 2016 anymore.
    He has the primary all but locked up.
    OK, poor choice of words but silly stunts only feed red-meat to the MAGA sycophants (as evidenced here) who’s votes he already has.
    Does he really want independents to say “I really need to vote for Trump but out of principal I cannot vote for such an arrogant asshole.”

    “But but, Ohh, it was such a sick burn on DeSantis…”

    Trump also needs to realize he’s no longer president controlling the airspace so I bet when the FAA fines that pilot $100 Grand that will put an end to that shit right there.
    Of course they could also do a surprise inspection on Trump aircraft and ground his fleet.
    My guess is DeSantis would get the last laugh about that.

  6. Loco Blanco Saltine typed…..”Trump also needs to realize he’s no longer president controlling the airspace so I bet when the FAA fines that pilot $100 Grand that will put an end to that shit right there.
    Of course they could also do a surprise inspection on Trump aircraft and ground his fleet.
    My guess is DeSantis would get the last laugh about that.”….

    That’s just a stupid statement and will come back to haunt as well…..Mark your calendar as the Bailiff abides again….

  7. Ima gonna make this one comment here and bow out.

    Loco, you have no idea what the pulse of the nation is right now. Most those independents are just a pissed at what’s going on as we are. RDS has already lost this thing bigly.
    Now I’m on the hunt for anon trolls.

  8. Brad, I agree the country is pissed and Trump has the primary in the bag.
    Why not focus on biden*?
    Why piss off DeSantis supporters, of which there are millions?
    Why piss on a governor that you will need in your corner going forward?

    BTW, They just filed articles of impeachment of some sort on the old fart…again.

  9. @brbrbrbrrrrrr ( me driving my vw) …..Thanks for the kind thought of the gift, but I’d rather have one of those ink pens when the girls top falls down when you turn it upside down….Hell, out here in the middle of everywhere we just like to own an ink pen…..

  10. Logo, it’s not just us. I flipped open the WSJ. and saw a 3/4 of the page article about how DeSantis made one (1) good speech last year…and that he should go back to being that guy instead of the current mealy mouthed political opportunist who has reset his reset and turned voters off.

    It’s not personal. It’s…um…. just a good deal of the country who do not support the current DeSantis.

  11. JB, I’m pretty much all tequila these days.
    I still like bourbon though, being from Kentucky it’s instilled (or perhaps distilled) in our Bluegrass Blood.

    FYI, some asshole tequila companies are now producing 700 mL bottles after a century of 750 mL bottles. Yet raising the fucking price!
    Looking at you Siete Leguas…
    BTW, I want MORE not less…

  12. Logo….the WSL. article was about DeSantis giving one (1) good speech last year.

    Trump gives good speeches every day.

    This has become personal for you. Any perceived slight of Desantis is an attack on you.

    You fat greased up chinese midget stuffed in a shoebox, you.

  13. You could say that. I tried to kill myself with it. Hit a bad patch in life, quit caring and dove head first into many a bottle. Fortunately, it’s a failure I can live with.

  14. OK I lied.

    RDS is quickly becoming insignificant. Gets worse every day. And while that not be totally fair, that’s exactly what’s happening.
    Burrs on the money. RDS should have stayed RDS. He’d currently be my back up vote.

  15. @LocoBlancoSaltine AT 9:37 PM…..The Des Moines airport is only 6.8 miles from the Iowa State Fair….I would venture a guess that they see many airplanes fly by or overhead….We’uns in the middle of everywhere can day drive up there’s into Iowa to see airplanes…..Hell, I have to drive 40 moles to see a stop light. I went to that town today but didn’t go see the stop light. I didn’t even go look at the Dairy Queen or Sonic drive in. I settle for hearing quail in my back field and the occasional deer. The Bailiff abides….

    Your mouth is writing checks that your ass can’t ….aw, you know….

  16. My bad, I should have realized the only credible source for anything DeSantis related, is God King Emperor of Meatballs himself, Lord High Guido DeBoopidybop.

    I will never sully the good standing of this court by bringing in such disreputable rags as the WSJ. again. No opinion other than boot lickery and blind faith needed. How could I have been so obtuse?


    You’ve surely convinced this court of something, I tell you what.

  17. Willys, the word is, and not from me, that his plane did a “fly-by” over the Iowa State Fair.
    Gratuitous, lazy, and illegal.
    Again, with nearly every government agency after his ass, why piss off one more?
    He is NO LONGER PRESIDENT, can’t pull that shit.

  18. “He will likely win Iowa and then Trump will go on a run and win the nomination.”


    I stand by that quote.
    When it comes to fruition Willy’s cat will have his tongue…

    ^^^^ Loco selective editing his own quote….The Bailiff won’t abide such nonsense…..

  19. LocoBlancoSaltine said this on 8/9/23..”.DeSantis is just getting warmed up.
    When he trounces everyone in the debate in two weeks he will have clear sailing.
    He will likely win Iowa and then Trump will go on a run and win the nomination.”

    I stand by the entire quote.

    You must be used to assholes that don’t… not gonna name names…

  20. Oh I see….we’re in 3rd gear in this conversation…might as well throw it in reverse.

    I already said DeSantis is a fat chinaman greased up and stuffed in a shoebox or whatever. You can’t get a more ringing political endorsement from me than that.

  21. @ LocoBlancoSaltine AT 10:15 PM…..COOL!….Then quote your entire quote…..UH? I already did that and will again and again and again…..I am amuputating your goalposts…..The Bailiff is a surgeon that abides….

  22. So….Trump interrupting DeSantis with a flyby didn’t happen and Joe6 penned the most incendiary post since I tweeted Mein Kampf on twitter.

    :makes notes:

    Do go on.

  23. I think I’ve already established *check notes* FOUR TIMES that the fly-by happened.
    (No big deal, people want to misquote me as much as they misquote DeSantis saying that “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”)

    “DeSantis isn’t getting the reception that he wants.”
    Is 100% erroneous, bullshit opinion.
    Along with the outright horseshit article he posted.

  24. Loco, I didn’t head for the door. Kids and grandkids were over for dinner. iOTW is generally a priority, but it’s not the highest priority. Family comes first. Do you really believe DeSantis is satisfied with his numbers and performance?

  25. “DeSantis isn’t getting the reception that he wants.”
    Is 100% erroneous, bullshit opinion.
    Along with the outright horseshit article he posted.”

    Yes I see, it’s everybody else and not you at all.

    :makes more notes….uses exclamation points:

  26. “The typical American household spent $709 more in July than they did two years ago to buy the same goods and services, according to Moody’s Analytics.”

    “Hey, lets’ do a fly-by for a sick burn!”
    Man-child running to lose in the General Election.

    The man is about to get hit with another set of indictments next week.
    Making it to three-digit counts.

    I suppose I expect too much.

  27. These feelings of persecution…stem from your relationship with your…mother?

    :lights pipe, crosses legs:

    I can assure you everything said in this session will be held in the strictest confidence.

  28. When is a fly by a fly by?…..6.8 miles from the runway? 4.2 miles as it gains altitude? Directly overhead as the flight head on it’s intended course on a appropriate altitude?…..Luckily for all of us bystanders Loco is an FAA honorary member emeritus, duke, prince, Lord King Bufoo even….Picture Burt Lair sniffing his tail…..

    OK, my dogs need to go out….I fuckin’ hope they don’t do a fly by….The Bailiff could not abide that….

  29. Aw, I’m just goofing on Logo because he refuses to see that he’s doing everything he’s accusing others of.

    Besides, he’s gentlemanly enough to offer me a chair.

  30. Yes Logo, this is all about you.

    Have at it. I’m going to shop for some driving shoes. I don’t like the way Butterscotch scuffs up my clean Chucks. Maybe they have Converse’s with a black rubber toe cap.

  31. Loco
    I’m thinking RDS should do a fly by on Trump. Just to get even. LOL. Except nobodies gonna understand why that South West Airlines flight is flying behind Trump.
    It’s a rough game pal. RDS just got his ass kicked.
    Now, lets go kick some troll ass.

  32. Like I’ve said before, no votes have been cast yet.
    A debate is forthcoming.
    Trump is in the driver’s seat, with golf shoes on, not driving shoes.

    To say anything bad about DeSantis is pure fear.
    But don’t fear him, fear the 100 counts of Monte Cristo…

  33. Hey Loco, There’s some a dem movie’ pictures of Trumps “fly by”….you can even get them on this there internet thang….It shore do look like one a dem areo things in the sky that I red about…..You can even tell that it’s an areoplane…..HAVE YOU EVEN BOTHERED TO LOOK AT IT?…..

  34. C’mon Loco. I didn’t claim Trump did a fly by. I simply posted an article that had a headline that said he did a fly by. Did you look at the article? Trump’s plane was far enough away that it took some close looking to even identify it as the Trump plane.

  35. BTW, can I help it if your “Only-Trumper” website tells lies and YOU post them?

    Suppose I post a thread that say’s “Trump was Epstein’s partner in child sex imports” and then say, “hey, I didn’t write the article hurr-durr?
    Come on joe6, why not own it?

  36. Loco, “So joe6 admits to deception to stir up shit?” The only reason you would interpret that as an attempt at deception is if you didn’t read the article that I posted and simply assumed the article that I linked was something I had written. That’s a little weak on your part, especially considering you consider yourself as having all the facts.

  37. Hey joe6pak….could that 747 areo plane have been 6.8 miles away on the video you posted?….could Loco have seen the video in the article that you posted?…..The answer is yes. He watched it yet still denigrates it….

  38. So Willys, joe6 says there was fly-by, you agreed.
    Then you guys hear me saying it’s an FAA violation and condemning the stunt, a stunt which Trump has pulled before, BTW.
    Then you guys change your tune and say it’s ME CLAIMING TRUMP DID A FLY-BY!
    O M FUCKING G!!!

    Tell me oh wise ones, and answer honestly:


    I will NOT get an honest answer but readers here are NOT STUPID!

  39. Loco, WTF? I did not say Trump did a fly by. I posted an article that said that it happened and if you looked at the video you would see for yourself how far his plane was away from the State Fair site. Whether or not that was technically a fly by is not for me or you to decide. Jeez, it was a fricken article about someone’s view of current events.

  40. So joe6, you posted an article you disagreed with?
    Yet didn’t mention said agreement?
    Why did you post it?
    Please explain.

    Do you think everyone here is stupid?
    Do you often post links you don’t agree with?

    Do us ALL a favor, take the L joe6.
    It’s yours tonight…
    Seriously ya’ll, joe6 thinks you are a bunch of dumb yahoos!

  41. I didn’t think you could get any more drunk and stupid then usual Loco, but by god you have proved me wrong!…Uh Oh, my dogs just did a fly by and joe6pak had posted an article saying they did…..

  42. I may start posting random links to articles I will then claim to disagree with and claim to have no legit reason for posting.

    Do you even read what you are saying joe6?
    This is bizarre.
    Own it!
    You posted it!

    I post songs here I like.
    I never posted one and said, “hey I hate that song”
    “You guys are assholes for clicking on that song…”

  43. “I suppose we can ask PA Senator Dr. Oz how much that sweet Trump endorsement carried him to victory…

    Citation not needed. That Trump endorsement is a waste of time. Per Loco

  44. Loco, I posted an article of current interest. It’s an event that has a great deal of community and national interest. Just because you are blinded by your own self interest doesn’t cause everyone else to be obligated to run their posts past the LBS fact checking bureau of shit!

  45. “BTW, DeSantis earned more votes from Blue counties in Florida than Trump could ever buy…”

    Now Trump buys votes. But RDS earns them. There’s no fucking way any MAGA peep will vote for RDS because of fanatics like LOCO. Honesty bro, you can’t have it both ways. I’m starting to think you’re actually working for Trump


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