Iowa will not enforce Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate no matter what SCOTUS decides – IOTW Report

Iowa will not enforce Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate no matter what SCOTUS decides

BPR: As the Supreme Court prepares to rule on the constitutionality of President Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate for employers with over 100 employees, one state is taking a principled stand and is saying the decision doesn’t matter… they will defy the mandate.

Iowa is one of a number of states that have their own OSHA-approved plan for both government and private employees. They declared on Friday that the state will not enforce the heavy-handed vaccine mandate. Under the order, employers would have to ensure employees were vaccinated or undergo weekly testing. A violation could result in outrageous business-busting fines. Mandated mask-wearing would also be imposed.

“Iowa Labor Commissioner Rod Roberts said in a news release that the state has determined its existing standards ‘are at least as effective as the federal standard change,’” the Des Moines Register reported.

8 Comments on Iowa will not enforce Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate no matter what SCOTUS decides

  1. Make all the corn and pig jokes you want, but Iowa just showed they will not comply with an unconstitutional, totalitarian rule. They have more balls than most “strongly-worded letter” republican governors. Hopefully more will follow suit.

  2. The CRIME of the 21st Century. This is what the mass Tech and Mass Media Have censured from the world during the so-called “Pandemic”, and will likely be some of the defendants at Nuremberg 2.0.

    It now is believed that this mass “pandemic” was initiated by the world central banks to not only depopulate, but also to collapse the present monetary system.

    One hour and 10 minutes. All the condemning evidence is explained and shown by Dr Mike Yeadon here:

  3. ^^^If it walks like duck & quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. A person who makes false claims, eg… the covid-19 virus was going to be over after the first wave, October 2020.

  4. Along with Fauci Mengele who already has charges filed against him in the International Criminal Court for genocide and crimes against humanity, so should the vile buffoon Joe Biden have the same.

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