Iran And Italy Are Paying A Hefty Price For Close Ties With Communist China – IOTW Report

Iran And Italy Are Paying A Hefty Price For Close Ties With Communist China

Federalist: Iran and Italy’s economies are worsening, and their people are suffering most in this Wuhan virus outbreak — all because of their leaders’ short-sighted and foolish decisions.

The coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, has now swept through 126 countries, infected close to 170,000 people worldwide, and is responsible for more than 6,400 deaths as of March 15. China is leading the world in the number of confirmed cases and deaths. What many people find shocking is that Italy and Iran are the second- and third-hardest hit nations in this outbreak.

By any common-sense measure, both countries should have much lower numbers of confirmed cases and deaths because they are geographically far from the epicenter of the outbreak. The reason these two countries are suffering the most outside China is mainly due to their close ties with Beijing, primarily through the “One Belt and One Road” (OBOR) initiative.

OBOR is Beijing’s foreign policy play disguised as infrastructure investment. Here’s how it works: China and country X agree to do an infrastructure project in country X. Country X has to borrow from a Chinese bank to finance the project. A contract is always awarded to Chinese companies, which then bring supplies and Chinese employees to country X to build the project. Clearly, the country that benefits most from this initiative is China.

The OBOR provides new markets and consistent demand for China’s goods and services, creates employment opportunities for Chinese workers, and gives China access to strategically important locations and natural resources. Beijing’s real objective is to leverage its newly gained financial power to greatly expand its geopolitical influence as well as its economic and military footing from Asia to Europe and Africa.

While this initiative has worked out well for China’s strategic interests, it hasn’t done the same for participating countries. At least eight countries that signed on the OBOR initiative are so indebted to the Chinese that they had to hand over their strategic assets to China to offset their debt. Despite these worrisome precedents, leaders in both Italy and Iran eagerly signed up to OBOR in 2019, hoping the red capital from Communist China would rescue their nations from economic woes. Now they are paying a dear price for it. read more

19 Comments on Iran And Italy Are Paying A Hefty Price For Close Ties With Communist China

  1. So who’s the Great Satan now you silly, 7th century iSlamonazis???
    Aaaaaaaannnnnnd it sounds like Italy is struggling with their imbedded version of democRATs who never met corruption they didn’t like!

  2. Oil and weapons with Iran.

    Sea port construction, loans and management for Italy.

    Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, industrial goods, Amazon, Walmart, Hobby Lobby… … … … … … … … … …

    …and CoVid-19 for us.

  3. I don’t think all is disconnected. Two of the biggest antagonists of USA are Iran and China. All evidence is pointing to a biological lab development released by China (what’s a few thousand Chinese worth?). But the brunt of the virus is overwhelming the leaders of Iran. Yesterday it was announced that the Impeachment Lawyer for Schiff has the virus. We know John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) met with Iranians in Paris while DJT is President. The media is doing their very best at verbal gotcha and misinformation. As testing gets more common, I want to watch who picks up the virus in DC and their minions. I believe this is a Deep State exercise. They will do anything. Wait for the October surprise!

  4. The average age in Italy is over 45, making it a rather old population with lots of elderly people, and their medical system is not the best.

    Iranian leadership is much older than the age of the general population (30) and their medical system is inferior at best (which is probably why the average is only 30.

  5. Cruising through town today trying to find a bag of flour in a grocery store (unsuccessfully). The grocery store parking lots were all full to capacity. The Harbor Freight Tools parking lot was nearly empty.

  6. REMOVE ALL FOREIGN CHINESE.Make products here
    instead of China.Just get rid of China in this
    country.I am sick of them and their evil commie


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