Iran Has Fired Missiles at Israel – IOTW Report

Iran Has Fired Missiles at Israel

Iran launched missiles at Israel on Tuesday evening local time, as Israelis throughout the entire country were ordered to take cover in bomb shelters until further notice.

23 Comments on Iran Has Fired Missiles at Israel

  1. @MJA — Uh, no. You’ve got to go all the way through Jordan and Iraq before you get to Iran. Anyway, “Palestine” as a “country” is a semi-imaginary place smushed up against Israel. It’s recognized by only 145 out of 193 UN nations, and those 145 ain’t worth shit. “Palestine” is just another attempt at poking a thumb in Israel’s eye.

  2. @MJA — Oh, good grief. I totally misread your comment. Embarrassing to the max. Yes, Iran is whacking “Palestine” as well as Israel. I think I’ll go take a nap now. Mutter-mutter-mutter.

  3. I’ve got 4 words to say to the old senile fool in DC and his handlers,”Stay….Out….Of….It!!!”

    There is a large contingent, in both parties, that would just love for us to go to war with Iran. Bolton clones, of course, but the Israel lobby is a beast that must be fed, and the absence of cooler heads could be problematic.

  4. MJA – I’m not a mapologist, but isn’t iran hitting palestine, too?

    I think it should be noted that Hamas/Iran/Hooties or whut ever flavor of savage you want to cite do not care who they hit. They indiscriminately “target” civilians and anything they can hit. The more dead, the better.

    Israelis target military installations and personnel. Civilians may be impacted, however not intentionally…. and traditionally they have been the first ones on the scene with medical aid, water and food afterwards.

    Therein lies the difference between Civilization and Savages.

  5. Additionally, Iran and their minions have publicly stated many, many times that they want to “wipe Israel off the face of the earth” along with the “Great Satan”: US!
    Wiping an entire civilization off the face of the Earth. Isn’t that the very definition of genocide?

    Meanwhile the Left tries to promote what Israel is doing as “Genocide”
    Joseph Goebbels would be proud!

  6. Fuck Iran, it’s funny/not funny all this is happening on Jima Carta’s 100th birthday. He has done a lot of good with habitat for humanity, but probably one of the worst presidents ever with the economy and foreign policy. the Dems are trying to out do him now. I hope Netanyahu nukes Tehran tonight along with any other valuable Iranian targets. That’s the only way to stop this shit!

  7. ^^^ When yer back is up against the wall, and you drop the big hammer to stop it, are you really worried about nuclear consequences from other nations that really don’t have a dog in this fight?
    I really hate to see that line crossed as much as anyone, but I’m not Israel.

  8. I hate to see that line crossed also, but Israel is a tiny nation facing threats form all sides; all funded by Iran. Iran almost had to do this today because Israel has been taking out all their proxy groups. Kill this threat where it starts, before they have nuclear ability (if they already don’t) Plus Iran is getting way too cozy with Russia and China. Nothing like no leadership and weakness in the supposed leader of the free world to cause chaos and tragedy.

  9. I say support Israel in any way we can – short of sending any of our armed forces there. Nope, I don’t want that.

    We have a lot more ties with Israel than we do with Ukraine, but I don’t want to see our armed forces in either place.

  10. @wonky honky – I get it. This Middle East conflict has only been going on for centuries and has only recently been moderated by a giant power (the U.S.) We’ve backed out of it and allowed it to run wild again. Either we get back to some kind of normalcy or it will culminate with nuclear action. It’s usually the little guy in the bar who will kill you with whatever it takes.


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