Iran humiliated as they completely bungle symbolic sinking of fake US warship blocking entry to main naval port – IOTW Report

Iran humiliated as they completely bungle symbolic sinking of fake US warship blocking entry to main naval port

Sun UK: IRAN’S replica US aircraft carrier has sunk by itself and blocked one of its most important naval ports. 

In an embarrassing blow to the Iranian regime, the mock-up has been sinking and risks causing a shipping hazard in the approach to the harbour of Bandar Abbas. more

21 Comments on Iran humiliated as they completely bungle symbolic sinking of fake US warship blocking entry to main naval port

  1. ??? They thought that would actually pass as US carrier?
    Maybe they aren’t as much of a threat as they have been portrayed. I am kidding, we do know that they do fund real terrorist organizations, and they are a threat, but this video is laugh-out-loud funny.

    Maybe MineCraft should sue because that carrier looks like something some created in the game. Hmm, that gives me an idea for my high school classes. Maybe they can create better Aircraft Carriers. Extra credit for those that look real.

  2. I suggest we now drop mines in the restricted approach and shut down their military port completely to enhance our fleet security.

    After that, bomb their nuclear weapons facilities repeatedly until destroyed. Iran is a terrorist state sponsor and the equivalent of 1938 Nazi Germany with an advanced Manhattan Project. They are an existential threat and need to be destroyed first.

  3. Article out right now saying that Trump is trying to pressure the democrats into signing onto a stimulus bill that restores the 600 dollar unemployment insurance.

    (shaking my head) see, we’re trying to pressure them into giving something that the democrats want and republicans are aghast at.

    Like i’ve been telling this forum constantly. The republican party is not going to save us from jack fucking shit.

    The democrats are in complete control of our gov’t. Trump will sign any bill that spends trillions. Anything.

  4. They show the world the “problems” with Eastern culture vs. the West. It was refered to obliquely in the stanzas from Kipling’s Poem ” The Sons of Martha”:
    “They do not preach that their God will rouse them a little before the nuts work loose.
    They do not teach that His Pity allows them to leave their job when they damn-well choose.
    As in the thronged and the lighted ways, so in the dark and the desert they stand,
    Wary and watchful all their days that their brethren’s days may be long in the land.”

  5. Those little PT speed boats are no match for a pair of littoral combat ships complemented with amphibious assault support, cruise-missile launch, and special-forces interdiction operations. Every Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier is escorted by at least one destroyer which defends them against any short-range attackers. Then there are frigates and missile cutters and the all stealthy Ohio class submarine. BTW, each carrier typically has 12 F/A-18E/F Hornets, 36 F/A-18 Hornets, four E-2C Hawkeyes, and Apache helicopters.

    Those Iranian camel monkies should stay on land.

  6. mickey moussaoui AUGUST 5, 2020 AT 3:46 PM
    “Those little PT speed boats are no match for a pair of littoral combat ships…”

    …they actually ARE when our Navy ships are told to surrender by an illegal alien Democrat “president”, which is ONE reason we should NEVER let that happen again…

    …and never forget that this conceit that size = destructive power can cause complacency, and overconfidence that leads to disaster, as the sailors on the USS Cole that saw what they thought was a little merchant Zodiac pull up alongside one October day in the year 2000 could tell you…

  7. Time for some of that submission to Allah’s will they like to cite when they, oh say – fly commercial aircraft into the WTC. Or by other means kill innocents.

    They must take a different attitude when it’s from the other side of the coin.

    Since I’m not hearing this :
    Everything happens with Allahs will and permission
    In the name of Allah, We praise Him
    being reported coming from the mosque following the sinking.


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