Iran-linked terrorists caught stockpiling explosives in London – IOTW Report

Iran-linked terrorists caught stockpiling explosives in London



Just months after signing on to the Iran nuclear deal, authorities in London reportedly discovered that an Iran-linked group was stockpiling tons of the same explosive used in the Oklahoma City bombing.

In 2015, police in London raided four properties associated with the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah and discovered thousands of disposable ice packs filled ammonium nitrate, a chemical used in rudimentary bombs. During the raids, a man in his 40s was arrested, according to the Telegraph.

Despite the gravity of the discovery, the public and lawmakers were kept in the dark about the matter for years as the U.K. continued to support the nuclear deal. During that time there was also a debate whether to label the entirety of Hezbollah, which has support and funding from Iran, as a terrorist group.

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9 Comments on Iran-linked terrorists caught stockpiling explosives in London

  1. I thank the Lord for the day i found or He sent me to iotw because otherwise i would not know much from the tv news except lies and cover ups. God bless….

  2. Just wait a few more decades and this country will be unrecognizable from what it is now, and it’s a bloody mess in London and Birmingham. When the IRA was blowing things up and killing innocent civilians, they had the support of a fairly small segment of the population in Northern Ireland. When the Islamic lunatics start their bombing campaign in ernest, they will have the support of seventy or eighty percent of the Islamic population in the United Kingdom. The Rivers of Blood will be flowing more than anyone can staunch with appeals for good behavior and fair play.


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