Iran Says To World – “We will continue enrichment, but thanks for playing….” – IOTW Report

Iran Says To World – “We will continue enrichment, but thanks for playing….”

HT/ Mel

11 Comments on Iran Says To World – “We will continue enrichment, but thanks for playing….”

  1. “And we will continue to do what we are doing, and fuck you. And fuck the United Nations, the United States, Israel, and, yes, fuck you the rest of the world.”

    “And fuck you too England and fuck you France.”

  2. Last I heard we had 62 Bipartisan votes out of 67 needed to stop Barry’s ass from this treasonous bull shit. I hope they stop his arrogant ass. Maybe that’s what lead to the timing with Menendez. It’s a warning to the rest of the Democrats.

  3. well, if this pans out we can save billions by shutting down all of our prisons. Let all the murderers and rapists go free, so long as they sign an agreement not to murder or rape for at least 10 years….

  4. Not many know this…but the ONLY reason to go over 3% enrichment is for a bomb.

    they can play hide the monkey all they want….but anything over 3% is bomb materal.

    Iran is way over 3%… is not for fuel for electricity

  5. More importantly Moe; fuck you and your Nobel Prize John Fing Kerry.

    This whole exercise was about two things, and two things only. (1) Obama’s “legacy” and (2) John Fucking Kerry’s continuing quest for a Nobel. He’s been trying to screw the Israelis one way or another since he was anointed by Obama and they have screwed him first more than once.

  6. The only purpose of this lame assed agreement is to open Iranian markets to Obama’s favorite progtard oligarch butt boys like Howard Shultz of Starbucks and Tim Cook of Apple. They want to sell to Iranians. And they couldn’t give a fuck less about human rights abuses or Israel. They’re comfortable of the fact that anything that goes wrong in the World can be blamed on average, white US Christians and the worthless shitbag democrat base will mindlessly believe it.

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