Iran Says Trump Sanctions Have Wiped Out Obama’s Nuclear Deal – IOTW Report

Iran Says Trump Sanctions Have Wiped Out Obama’s Nuclear Deal

Trending Politics: According to Iran, President Donald Trump’s sanctions on Iran have completely wiped out the benefits given to them by former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.

The Obama administration had previously given Iran $2 billion in cash along with $150 billion in assets that were previously frozen.

According to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, President Trump’s sanctions have cost the country $200 billion.

Check out what Rouhani said according to Bloomberg News:

Renewed U.S. sanctions have cost Iran $200 billion in foreign-exchange income and investment, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday.

Sanctions have deprived the Islamic Republic of $100 billion in oil revenue in the last two years and an equal amount in foreign investment credit, Rouhani said in a televised speech, according to his official website.

This announcement by Iran comes after President Donald Trump issued a stern warning to Iran, saying that they will be “held fully responsible” for the militia attacks on a US embassy in Iraq on Tuesday. read more

14 Comments on Iran Says Trump Sanctions Have Wiped Out Obama’s Nuclear Deal

  1. Oh, too bad, so sad. I’m tearing up right now. I hear little violins playing.
    Perhaps we can support elements that will overthrow the scum mullahs.

    Not tired of WINNING!

  2. The point of Obola’s Iran Nuclear Deal was to further Iran’s nuclear capabilities.
    Not to inhibit them.
    Enriched Uranium is unnecessary – Iran could have power plants with U-238 (natural) and Heavy Water – same as Canada.

    Another Obola scam from the start – with him, Jarrett, Clinton, Axelrod, Brennan, Clapper, and Kerry skimming off the top.

    The long run was supposed to be (I assume) a Caliphate under Rouhani and the nuclear destruction of Israel (directly or threat).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All the Christians and Jews of the world should dance around and pass out candies (like the fucking Muzzies did after 9/11/2001).

    Happy New Year — Thank You, President Trump !!

  4. Fresh sheep and little dancing boys don’t come cheap, a billion here, a billion there, next thing you know they will start importing somalia starving women, cause they know they will swallow anything.


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