Iran: Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei feels isolated, throws a fit on Twitter – IOTW Report

Iran: Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei feels isolated, throws a fit on Twitter

Oh, poor Khammy.
Trump is putting too much pressure on him, and he’s really pissed at Europe for playing along.

FOX: Isolated Iran leader lashes out at Europe as nations join US in ramping up pressure.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Friday lashed out at Germany, the U.K. and France, calling them the “footmen of the U.S.,” days after the European countries moved to sanction the Islamic Republic for violating the controversial 2015 nuclear deal.

“The threat of the French & German govts & the vicious British govt to send Iran’s case to the Security Council proved once again that they are the footmen of the US,” Khamenei said on Twitter. “These 3 countries are the ones who helped [former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein] as much as they could in his war against us.” more here

11 Comments on Iran: Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei feels isolated, throws a fit on Twitter

  1. Tell that phony, piece-o-shit, Satan worshiping, fish eyed faggot he has 1 choice; bug the phuk out, be waterboarded, or being locked up for life in same cell as Hillary. 10-9-8….

  2. Read the Koran (Q’ran). The Iranian regime has not considered itself bound by ANY agreement with the western nations. Ever. Their squawking is for our consumption in hope of altering the path the western nations are taking. Not a single word the mullahs utter can be considered to be valid or true, with the exception of threats, those can and should be seen as valid.

  3. Khammy
    The sun shines east, the sun shines west
    I know where the sun shines best–
    My little Khammy
    My heartstrings are tangled around Tehranny
    I’m comin’
    Sorry that I made you wait
    I’m comin’
    Hope and trust that I’m not late, oh oh oh
    My little Khammy


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