Iran: US using the Islamic State “to destroy Islam’s attractions” – IOTW Report

Iran: US using the Islamic State “to destroy Islam’s attractions”

“Islam’s Attractions” LOL

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JihadWatch: “The ISIL, Boko Haram and al-Nusrah have been created in line with the US strategy of religion against religion, which seeks to impair the divine face of Islam.” Meanwhile, U.S. officials maintain that those groups have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam: the Iranians are seriously deluded on this issue, or intending to delude the Islamic world.  more


12 Comments on Iran: US using the Islamic State “to destroy Islam’s attractions”

  1. Islam’s attractions. Where do we find those…Dismal World? riding the Akbar Allah-Coaster,, canoodling in the Tunnel of Goat, racing around in the Bumper Car-Bombs….

  2. Islamic attractions? What attractions?
    The only Islamic attractions I want to see haven’t been created yet, namely, Mecca and Medina, in the night, with a soft atomic afterglow.

  3. The attractions of a stuck-in-the-7th Century, anti-science, Satanic, perverted, lying, hate-filled, homosexual, pedophile, Moon cult?

    Maybe it’s just me … but I’m not getting it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Statements are consistent with one suffering ill effects of inbreeding, retardation, syphilitic damage to brain, inability to reason with gun pointed to head, nightmares related to being a sodomy victim since day one, and trauma from watching loved ones stoned, dragged out of the house and executed in front of the family for no reason, and seeing innocent friend’s heads cut off by self appointed experts.

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