Iranian Ayatollah: The ‘Hidden Imam’ Will Come To Earth In A Vessel ‘Like A Spaceship’ – IOTW Report

Iranian Ayatollah: The ‘Hidden Imam’ Will Come To Earth In A Vessel ‘Like A Spaceship’

Breitbart: TEL AVIV – An Iranian Grand Ayatollah recently said that the Mahdi – the Shi’ite version of the messiah – will arrive in a “super-modern vessel like a spaceship” and that until that time there will be no “peace, security, or decency” on earth.


Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi was answering questions about the arrival of the Mahdi, otherwise known as the Hidden Imam, who according to Islamic eschatology will conquer the world before the Day of Judgment, ridding it of evil. Shirazi’s explanations, translated and published Friday by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), were based on Islamic teachings and hadiths, as well as quotes from preceding Imams.

Shirazi explained that when the Imam arrives there will no longer be sunlight in the world. Instead, the “land will be illuminated by divine light.”  MORE

27 Comments on Iranian Ayatollah: The ‘Hidden Imam’ Will Come To Earth In A Vessel ‘Like A Spaceship’

  1. Now I see the brilliance of Obama in making ” muslim outreach ” NASA’s main mission. Also explains his nuclear deal with Iran. Just trying to get in good graces with the other closet imam.

  2. Looks like this imam has been reading about NASA and Planet X on the internet between searches for sex with goats, little kids, naked virgins, and reading adds about bacon cheeseburgers. The spaceship would of course be the planet on a fly-by, and any extra-terrestrial happenings would be attributed to that fly-by. So, this shows they haven’t got a pig’s fart in Hell of delivering on their visions of grandeur. If the goat lovers find his hidden laptop and internet link, he is beheaded.

  3. My name Jose Mayonnaise, I am a space imam.
    Ed Sullivan: Oh, I see, is that your crash helmet?
    Jose: I hope naut.
    (From The Ed Sullivan show, 1960’s. Fogetabouit, y’all are too young.)

  4. Eugenia,
    I was picturing a similar thing.

    There will be “peace, security, and decency on earth” as soon as we drop radioactive dust or a ME gene specific mutated bacteria on Mecca during the hajj.

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