Iranian Boat Had Guns Pointed at U.S. Ship, Commander Says – IOTW Report

Iranian Boat Had Guns Pointed at U.S. Ship, Commander Says


ABOARD THE USS MAHAN, ARABIAN GULF — Iranian forces in a fast-attack boat had their guns pointed right at a U.S. destroyer as it sped directly towards the ship, in a dangerous encounter in January, a U.S. Navy captain said.

Fearing collision, U.S. Navy Cmdr. Marc Davis was eventually forced to fire three warning shots from the ship’s .50 caliber guns, he said in a recent one-on-one interview with Breitbart News, where he shared new details about the incident.

The contact began early Sunday morning on January 8 when one of four Iranian boats harassing the Mahan began speeding straight towards the destroyer and its 330 sailors onboard, forcing a series of attempts to get it to stop.

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23 Comments on Iranian Boat Had Guns Pointed at U.S. Ship, Commander Says

  1. The way it’s been going with Iran- no more warning shots- if their boats come full throttle at one of our boats-blow them out of the water and ask questions later. allah akubar and piss on them in the water.

  2. This was on January 8. I wonder if the rules of engagement have changed just a wee bit, now that the Pentagon’s new toll free number has been changed to 1-800-MAD-DOG3. After all, the SecDef lives by the credo of “Be professional but have a plan to kill everyone you meet!”

  3. There are many peace loving Iranians who desire freedom from their oppressive islamic regime. When they made a stand against islamic oppression and for freedom, Obama spoke not a word of support and turned his back. He did the same with Turkey.
    Both should realize Trump is a new leader, Thank God.

  4. time to start thinning the herd from the top down.
    accidents happen, even in natanz.
    and we wont be playn’ the stuxnet game this time clown!
    its a lovely spring time in iran.
    rock the kasbah – clash – combat rock – 1982

  5. President Lazlo: “Is this the Captain?”
    Captain of any vessel over there: “Yes sir, Mr. President.”
    “I have an Air Force General in my office that says your squid cooks are piss poor marksmen with a deck mounted mini-gun. Is that true?”
    “No sir Mr. President”
    “I am a mild mannered man, Captain, but I cannot have this kind of division among the different branches of the military.”
    “Yes, Mr. President”
    “So, the next time those Iranian Bastards show up, you get those boys out of the kitchen, and bring them up in the fresh air, and give those kids some target practice. Am I being clear on this?”
    Crystal clear, Mr. President”
    “You have yourself a nice day.”

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