Iranian Feminist: Western Feminists Are Making Women’s Lives Worse in Her Country – IOTW Report

Iranian Feminist: Western Feminists Are Making Women’s Lives Worse in Her Country

Geller Report: Masih Alinejad is right, and it’s even worse than she says. Middle-class Western feminists have instituted “World Hijab Day” as an increasingly common annual feature of the cultural landscape in the West. In one of the most pathetic and destructive displays of virtue signalling, non-Muslim women are urged to wear the garment of oppression, subjugation and misogyny. While women are fighting and dying for their most basic rights, left-wing goons are working to impose the misogyny of the sharia.

No cares if you wear the hijab. No one cares if you wear purple hair, for that matter. The real world recognition day should be in tribute to women who are forced to wear the hijab, beaten and/or arrested if they don’t. World Hijab Day is a stunning indictment of the hypocrisy of the evil left as much as choosing the sharia-promoting, forced marriage advocate Linda Sarsour for their leader. The real “feminists” are in Iran, fighting for a fraction, a sliver of the freedoms their Western “sisters” enjoy. One campaign fighting against the enforced hijab in Iran set up by Ms. Alinejad is My Stealthy Freedom. It is “dedicated to Iranian women inside the country who want to share their ‘stealthily’ taken photos without the veil,” and aims to be a “living archive” of their fight.   more here

6 Comments on Iranian Feminist: Western Feminists Are Making Women’s Lives Worse in Her Country

  1. Feminists don’t REALLY care about women’s rights, they are instead a wedge to be used against the west.
    The are just another facet of the left that hates western civilization and is allied with any monster who is our collective enemy.
    They hate us and feminism is just a tool.

  2. The Hijab is such an absolutely perfect fashion accessory for fat Anglo women. This is not a religious, spiritual move at all. It’s an accessory. The fact that it hides their triple chins and gives everyone’s face the same rounded proportioning is SO perfect. Just their pretty eyes on display (such bright, glossy eyes too with all that excessive fatty oil in their system)


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