Iranian general: Sailors started ‘crying after arrest’ – IOTW Report

Iranian general: Sailors started ‘crying after arrest’


AmericanThinker: Iran has jacked up its propaganda war against the US, milking the seizure of our boats and sailors for all its worth.

The Iranian general commanding the Revolutionary Guard Corps said during military celebrations this weekend that American sailors “started crying after their arrest.” He also claimed the incident proved Iranian military supremacy in the region.


16 Comments on Iranian general: Sailors started ‘crying after arrest’

  1. I wonder if these shitheads are familiar with the expression “photos or it didn’t happen”. I can’t wait for the first time Iran pulls another stunt like this with The Donald or The Cruz as CIC.

  2. hey general, read the below for a refresh of the destruction of your navy starting at 0800, done by lunchtime

    talk now, i am sure your tune will change after we remove the pussy-in-chief

    lots of noise, like the destroyer that pulled alongside us in the straits of hormuz 14 april 88 to yell obscenities at us while escorting an oil tanker

    that same destroyer now sits at the bottom of the straits

    fuck you

  3. I can hear Lurch following the monkey’s orders telling these goat fookers what to say for further lies and humiliation of our military forces…..this whole thing was staged for this purpose…..Abomination is too weak a word for the howler in the wh and that zombie lurch….

  4. That type of crapola is to be expected. There is so little known about what led up to the “capture” and why the sailor in charge had so much to say. What ever happened to “Name, Rank, and Serial number, and STFU? as protected by the Geneva laughin? I’ll withhold judgement. But I blame jaws and oblowme for the whole clusterfuck.

  5. There IS a photo that shows our brave sailors crying.

    It’s the same photo that shows the infamous “fecal swastika”on the wall of a bathroom at some godforsaken institution of higher learning in this country.

  6. I wish I were President. It would go something like this:
    “Get me that Asshole Iranian on the phone, yesterday!”
    Picks up the phone…
    “Look here Dick Face, I don’t know what bullshit you’re trying to pull down in that Outhouse you call a country, but you have exactly one hour to start towing my two boats and everything and everybody on them back to International waters. One. Hour.
    If my satellites don’t see those boats moving in one hour, I will personally order the US Navy to destroy every crappy floating vessel you own.”
    “And If I see any bullshit videos of pictures I’m going to hack your infrastructure and every computer screen in your entire country will permanently display recent naked photos of Hilary Clinton.”

  7. And one more thing. No more visas to any Iranians who did not sever their ties to their former nation! I cannot stand to have them coming into my country and enjoying the amenities of the west while mistreating us!

    Oh and happy MLK day. BTW, we still remember that crap about integration! Remember the Southie Busing Riots!

  8. The only tears shed were tears of laughter and joy from the Iranian leaders. They just “did Obumbles and Kerry”, if you catch my drift, and they got thanked and paid for it. You can see one of them tossing the confetti in celebration in the picture.

  9. I have no doubt there were tears, but they were simply from the acrid aroma of feces and sweat which permeates these goat fuckers. If you’re ever stuck in a confined space with one of these malodorous sand monkeys, it can be worse than pepper spray.

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