Iranian immigrant refuses to show NFL games in Portland deli after anthem protests – IOTW Report

Iranian immigrant refuses to show NFL games in Portland deli after anthem protests

“I’m not a politician, I am a veteran. I fought for our country, I deeply believe in our flag, in the national anthem. It’s a matter of respect. I’m an American.”   Story

20 Comments on Iranian immigrant refuses to show NFL games in Portland deli after anthem protests

  1. If I ever go to Portland I’d eat there and thank him.

    Boycott the NFL (although I don’t think my daughter considers the panties/bra league a viable option (she says “Go Navy!”)

  2. That area I’m sure has more than its share of unpatriotic jock sniffers. “screw the flag, and screw Trump put on the games anyway” The owner is one standup guy!

  3. This is the kind of immigrant that we need. Hey Jarhead Cracker, “On a unrelated note, Ernesto Che Guevara was executed 50 years ago this week; half of century without that murderous bastard.” I knew I guy in college who was from Bolivia and he said that the Bolivian Rangers executed Che. They will admit it with pride!

  4. Nice guy. Hard-working. Really clean place. Good food. NFL game was on when we got there, but the girl changed it to bull-riding after 30 minutes. Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer case. Veteran’s display on the cabinet by check out. So maybe he just wants to be fair. Dunno.

  5. I’m beginning to suspect a certain level of intelligence goes with a certain level of appreciation for our highly advanced society.
    Maybe an IQ test to become a citizen; whether you were born here or not probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.

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