Iranian Media Describe Higher Prices, Rising Poverty In Recent Weeks – IOTW Report

Iranian Media Describe Higher Prices, Rising Poverty In Recent Weeks

IIN: The Iranian man took a jar of homemade pickles to the neighborhood shop and asked to barter it with a chicken as he had no money left, in the oil-rich country.

Media in Tehran and other cities are reporting dozens of similar cases as no one actually knows how much the annual inflation rate is after the government stopped publishing its monthly statistics.

Aftab News, a website which dares to be more critical of the authoritarian regime, quipped Wednesday that President Ebrahim Raisi still insists, “The progress by Iran has angered the enemies,” meaning the United States and its allies.

Mehr News Agency, a conservative website and a supporter of Iran’s hardliners reported that families share rented apartments, as they cannot afford the soaring security deposit and monthly rent.

Others simply must move to cheaper and cheaper areas, getting farther than the cities and have to commute somehow if they do not own a car. Vehicles have also become unaffordable for many with the cheapest options costing billions of rials.

Ordinary Iranian salaries are less than $200 a month, while rents for simple apartments have soared to beyond $300. Couples must work two jobs just to pay the rent. more

5 Comments on Iranian Media Describe Higher Prices, Rising Poverty In Recent Weeks

  1. Return to your bedouin roots.
    Live in a tent in the desert.

  2. A few decades ago, I clawed my way through, “Fiat Money Inflation in France.” An inflationary spiral is where every county that gives up specie money eventually goes to die.


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