Iranian Parliament Wants to Question Rouhani About Collapsing Economy – IOTW Report

Iranian Parliament Wants to Question Rouhani About Collapsing Economy

They want to know where all the ObamaCash went.

Breitbart: The Iranian parliament announced on Wednesday that it wants to question President Hassan Rouhani about the shaky economy and rapidly devaluing currency.

The announcement said the parliament summoned Rouhani to appear before a special session within a month, without setting an exact date.

The Associated Press notes Labor Minister Ali Rabiei managed to keep his job after facing tough questions from the Iranian parliament in March over the 12.5 percent national unemployment rate. It appears Rabiei will soon return to answer more questions as the rial plunges and the economy struggles.

The Jerusalem Post observed that Rouhani has never been summoned by the Iranian parliament before. The summons may have been prompted in part by Rouhani canceling interviews with the media as the economy worsened. A few previous attempts were made to summon him for questioning on various issues, but his administration was always able to persuade lawmakers to drop their demands.

In this case, at least 80 members of parliament submitted questions for him to answer. According to the Jerusalem Post, a few who buckled under pressure from Rouhani’s allies were persuaded to resubmit their questions.

The subtext here is that Iranian moderates are wondering how the economy should be in such horrible shape after all that money flowed in from U.S. President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal. The obvious answer is that much of the money was diverted to the Iranian military and its adventures in places like Syria and Yemen.  more here

5 Comments on Iranian Parliament Wants to Question Rouhani About Collapsing Economy

  1. Rouhani is just revealing he is watching what is going on in America, and is being inspired by it.

    He sees a lot of people and organizations being asked tough questions and being ordered to deliver truthful testimony & documents to investigators. Which they’re not doing. Even destroying many of them, and are getting off with no real consequences. Only a few harsh words.

    OTOH – he could just tell them to check the huge number of roadside kiosk. The money went to provide Obamaphones for everyone. They can be used to call home or trigger an IED.


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