Iranians Caught Posing As Americans On Facebook To Hype Mueller Investigation – IOTW Report

Iranians Caught Posing As Americans On Facebook To Hype Mueller Investigation

Report: Apparently, the Democrats are not bothered by the jihad interference in our elections. On the other hand, they used a bogus Russia collusion story to mire President Trump in a Kafkaesue investigation while systematically silencing conservatives on social media – all because of “Russia.”  Story here


5 Comments on Iranians Caught Posing As Americans On Facebook To Hype Mueller Investigation

  1. Doesn’t matter. It’s not the truthfulness of the source, it’s the seriousness of the claim that counts.

    Except when it’s about Democrats raping people, then it’s automatically fake news.

  2. As you see on TV

    NBC is at the ROOT of EVIL
    On-Air and Off Screen Producers
    Behind the Scenes Productions
    It’s What THEY Produce

    Ask for whom the BELL TOLLS 12 Times


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