Iranians protest French camp demolition with asses sewn shut – IOTW Report

Iranians protest French camp demolition with asses sewn shut

Oops. I meant to write, mouths sewn shut.

muslims protest mouths sewn shut calais
“Mmmghh mchh chhh”

Iranians stage demonstration against destruction of shelters, as authorities try to move refugees away from English Channel.

Times Of Israel: CALAIS, France — A dozen Iranian refugees with their mouths sewn shut in protest at their eviction from France’s “Jungle” migrant camp protested for a third straight day as demolition workers were wrapping up their first week on the job.

The Iranians positioned themselves in front of a line of riot police protecting the workers as they dismantled makeshift shelters in the southern half of the camp.  MORE

12 Comments on Iranians protest French camp demolition with asses sewn shut

  1. I volunteer to help them.
    I have an old air staple gun I have from my construction days. I still have a bucket with some 2 inch staples.
    Fly me there and set me up with 10 bottles of water to drink when I’m there and enough MRE’s to get me there and back.
    I will staple as no one has ever stapled before.
    I will staple with vigor and enthusiasm and not stop for meals
    Hell when I run out of staples I will use fence staples and hammer them in by hand
    I will do this as a service to mankind and will charge nothing.
    Its the least I can offer

  2. “Migrant” camp … “migrant” camp … think about that for a second.

    It’s a fuckin izlamic invasion staging area … NOT a fuckin “migrant” camp!

    France is toast. French toast. For the ragheads to eat. On their way to eat Spanish rice, Polish sausage, German pumpernickel, Belgian waffles, …, &c.

    Europe’s gotta be the dumbest Continent on Earth … and we’re cheering them on!

  3. “We have traveled far to live in your country. Give us money from your people who have jobs. Give it to us. Give us a place to live. Give us food. Take this from your people here and make it a gift to us. You have a government that can take from your people that work and produce. Take their labor, their time, and give it to us.”

    This is what I see at the checkout at the grocery store when the invaders pull out a plastic card with a big peach on it to pay for their purchases.

    They don’t have to be citizens to get that card. But I get to pay for them.

    And not once did I get asked if that was OK with me.

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