Iran’s Regime Is Falling Apart – IOTW Report

Iran’s Regime Is Falling Apart

American Thinker:

Despite his critics, President Trump is serious in his efforts to squeeze Iran’s economy as much and as fast as possible.  Trump intends to make the Islamic regime fall on its own via crippling sanctions.  Iranians are swarming for U.S. dollars as Iran’s currency, the rial, plunges to historic lows amid economic and political uncertainty.  The rial has lost one third of its value this year alone and is now officially 60,000 to the dollar.  That number is a lot higher on the black market.

During the campaign, Trump promised he would withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that Obama orchestrated.  Trump unwillingly stuck with it for a number of months longer than he wished while Rex Tillerson was secretary of state, but once Tillerson was replaced by Mike Pompeo and joined by another anti-Islamic regime expert, national security adviser John Bolton, the A team was created.

So let’s be clear: the new strategy Pompeo laid out is the same as the old strategy – the U.S. plans to impose maximum pressure on Iran to force it to change.  (That’s similar to Trump’s strategy toward North Korea, by the way.) read more

11 Comments on Iran’s Regime Is Falling Apart

  1. LC Dan is correct.

    The prospects of Iran being toppled are too incomprehensibly fabulous to even ponder. It can only be given proper consideration if/when it happens.

  2. Do a Libya to Iran? What fools who fight and die to help war-loving billionaires keep themselves rich. For those who have no knowledge about how Libya was governed. The people of that country had it GOOD compared to our crookedly run country. So Iran has a well-run country, now. Neither Libya nor Iran was/are debt-run countries owned by crooked banksters as is the US by the private, non-Federal Reserve of the US. Libya was a gold-based economy and was actively coordinating an African economic group based on gold which would have been a threat to the US fake dollar. So it had to be destroyed! So Iran is the next target because it is a successfully run country. Time to do some pictorial research on a beautiful country that doesn’t have the urban trash pits that now represent the US.

  3. Isn’t it exhilarating to watch a good man who is capable, roll up his sleeve and get important things done that no one else seems able to do?!

    How many navel gazers, self-serving ‘diplomats’, and wrong-headed asswipes have diddled in the Middle East since Winston Churchill?

    And Korea!

    The world can always use an exceptional American President.


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