Iraq Proposes Lowering Legal Age of Marriage for Girls to 9 – IOTW Report

Iraq Proposes Lowering Legal Age of Marriage for Girls to 9

With many Iraqi marriages conducted informally and left unregistered, the revisions would allow figures from Sunni and Shia religious sects to finalise unions between people in law.

But critics fear the Shia code would be based on “Jaafari jurisprudence”, allowing girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 to marry. Under current Iraqi law, both can marry from 18.


12 Comments on Iraq Proposes Lowering Legal Age of Marriage for Girls to 9

  1. This is a double faceted announcement….
    #1 they let their true feelings be known.
    #2 they readily increase the amount of chaos
    Being injected into America and American politics.

  2. My oldest granddaughter just turned 8 and will be 9 next Summer, there is absolutely no way in hell that either my son or I would ever allow her to get married at 9. One of my cardinal rules for my 2 daughters growing up was no muslims were ever allowed to date them, let alone even be around them and it stands even more now with my 4 granddaughters as they grow up. No muzzies ever!

  3. geoff the aardvark
    Sunday, 11 August 2024, 3:17 at 3:17 am
    “My oldest granddaughter just turned 8 and will be 9 next Summer, there is absolutely no way in hell that either my son or I would ever allow her to get married at 9.”

    …did you see this above?

    Saturday, 10 August 2024, 20:51 at 8:51 pm

    …once they get established, under Shari’a law they can kill you and your sons, then force your granddaughters to “marry” the murderer of her ancestors and her rapist.

    There’s many more examples of that.

    You are kuffir in Islam.

    You have no rights at all to them, not even a right to live, and their “perfect man” is OK with pedophilia and rape having practiced it numerous times as recorded in his blasphemous books himself, and he tells his followers to learn from his example…

  4. These are animals and have not been compatible with civilized society for 1400+ yrs.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd they’ll STILL be the same blood-thirsty mindless, muslim murdering assholes 1400 years from now. This is a textbook example of a civilization… uhhh group of people who reached the end of a deadend street 1400 years ago!


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