Iraqi prime minister says country is open for U.S. business, Trump focuses on oil – IOTW Report

Iraqi prime minister says country is open for U.S. business, Trump focuses on oil

Just The News:

In a much anticipated first visit to Washington, Iraq’s new prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, visited the White House on Thursday for strategic dialogues about energy, trade, and U.S. troops in Iraq.

President Trump said, during the meeting, that American companies were involved in building out Iraq’s oil industry. Al-Kadhimi said that his country was open for American business interests and future investments.

Prior to the meeting, Trump told reporters that the U.S. had very few troops left on the ground in Iraq, but that America would be there to assist Iraq if the neighboring aggressor Iran should try anything hostile.  more here

4 Comments on Iraqi prime minister says country is open for U.S. business, Trump focuses on oil

  1. Having spent almost 14 months in Iraq rebuilding camp Ar Rustimiyah I wouldn’t invest a thin dime in this shithole. Graft, bribery and nepotism are a way of life. Iraqi contractors could not understand why I wouldn’t accept “gifts” as that is the customary way they do business. The entire country is stuck firmly in the 1700’s with the two primary sects of Islam feuding for 700 or 800 years. This country is way too volatile to invest any funds in.


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