Iraqis Erect a 30-Foot Christmas Tree in Baghdad to Celebrate the Defeat of ISIS – IOTW Report

Iraqis Erect a 30-Foot Christmas Tree in Baghdad to Celebrate the Defeat of ISIS

Breitbart: Residents of Baghdad have erected a 30-foot-tall Christmas tree to celebrate Christmas and to mark the end of the terror army Islamic State (ISIS), beaten back by Iraqi Security Forces.


The giant tree made international news, according to a Fox News tweet which read, “Iraqi Christians have raised a 30-ft. tall Christmas tree in Baghdad to celebrate both the holiday and the expulsion of ISIS extremists by Iraq Security Forces”.

Presidential spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders also remarked on the incredible display in a December 24 tweet reading, “Thank God for the President’s leadership in fight to defeat ISIS”.

This year’s display mirrors last year’s tree erected by Muslim businessman Yassi Saad who then said he hoped that the display would help bring together Christian and Muslim Iraqis in a new spirit of cooperation as his country continued to heal after being freed from Saddam Hussein’s tyranny.  more here

5 Comments on Iraqis Erect a 30-Foot Christmas Tree in Baghdad to Celebrate the Defeat of ISIS

  1. That’s an unreal vision to contemplate, it seems unnatural but I’m not complaining.
    They look much better than the scroungy bunch we got stuck with, ours can’t even wipe their asses… What gives ?

  2. We are Blessed when we follow the path that God has given us, even when that path leads through pain and darkness.

    How many times in the last eight years were we told that Isis could not be defeated, and that we shouldn’t even try to fight Islam.

    How many times in the late 70’s and early 90’s were we told that tax cuts would destroy our country, and yet when the Reagan and republican congress of 96 passed – our country and our economy soared to unheard of heights.

    How many times in the last month has the demoncrats and the media (two different words for the same thing) pronounce the “end of the world as we know it” if Trumps tax plan passed. The media/demoncrat party even went so far as to claim that Trumps tax cuts would DESTROY the republican party. If they really thought that it would destroy the republicans, why were they not happy with that and vote for the tax plan themselves?

    Inquiring minds wish to know…

    MSG Grumpy

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