Iraqis purging ISIS – IOTW Report

Iraqis purging ISIS

RFAILA, Iraq (Reuters) – The mood was festive as seven men each carried a bomb into a house on the edge of a village in northern Iraq.

Dozens of residents of Rfaila, young and old, had flocked to watch the house of their former neighbor Abu Maitham be blown up, filming the spectacle on phones to the sound of patriotic music blaring from a parked car.

They said Abu Maitham joined Islamic State militants who ruled over hundreds of towns and villages like Rfaila for more than two years, subjecting the local population to a life of violence and privation.

Abu Maitham had already fled when Iraqi forces drove the militants from the area last year as they advanced north towards Mosul, Islamic State’s largest urban stronghold. The city’s eastern half was cleared by January and the start of an assault on the western side was declared on Sunday.

In their wake, local people are purging every last vestige of Islamic State’s presence: demolishing militants’ homes and even digging up their graves.

The campaign points to a wider reckoning within Iraq’s Sunni Muslim community, part of which sided with Islamic State militants who overran around one third of Iraq in 2014.

Inside the house in Rfaila, about 45 km (30 miles) south of Mosul, Ayad Jasim arranged the tubs of explosives in a circle on the floor and connected them to a wire leading out to a battery pack.  more

13 Comments on Iraqis purging ISIS

  1. This all wouldn’t have happened if the incompetent Obama hadn’t intervened.
    Iraq is the center of the whole Middle East, and President Bush and the troops had brought the country to the edge of modern civilization.
    How important that was!
    Then shithead Obama squandered everything, total withdrawal of influence, stupidly declaring Afghanistan more important. It’s nowhere near as important as Iraq.

  2. This of course will be remembered by the extended family, clansmen, sect members for generations to come. Sometime in the future retribution will be visited upon the other sect, clan, family etc. of those who have done this.

    That’s how the culture of Islam works. Never move forward, never forgive, never reconcile. Only seek revenge upon those who you believe have wronged you, your family member, you’re clansman, your sect, your religion. In that order until all are died.

    It really is the cult of death when taken to its natural extreme.

  3. Dr. Tar pretty much nailed it.

    Plus, add the further complicating fact that this whole ISIS “war” is merely a proxy war of Sunni versus Shiia.

    We need to GTFO of the middle east and let ’em kill each other. Without nukes.

  4. @Dr. Tar: In all fairness, it’s not just the Islamists who are capable of perpetuating a never-ending cycle of revenge and reprisal. In Northern Ireland, for instance, they’re still killing each other over events that happened 400 years ago.

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