Ireland: Man treated in hospital after injecting himself with own semen to treat back pain – IOTW Report

Ireland: Man treated in hospital after injecting himself with own semen to treat back pain


WASHINGTON (WJLA) – A 33-year-old man required medical treatment at a Dublin, Ireland hospital after he repeatedly injected himself with his own semen in an unusual attempt to treat his lower-back pain.

The man, after injecting the semen in his arm, developed a subcutaneous abscess on his right arm, where he had been injecting himself on a monthly basis for 1.5 years. A radiograph also revealed an excess watery under his skin.

An intravenous antimicrobial drip to treat the problems was started immediately, but the man opted to discharge himself without allowing doctors to make an incision to drain the “local collection.”

The case was revealed in a report published by the Irish Medical Journal titled ‘Semenly’ Harmless Back Pain: An Unusual Presentation of a Subcutaneous Abscess.


h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.

25 Comments on Ireland: Man treated in hospital after injecting himself with own semen to treat back pain

  1. I’d suggest that “an excess watery under his skin” is only one of his illnesses.
    WTF is an ‘excess watery?’ Yeah, lets have some of that free health care like the UK.

  2. Silly Irishers!

    Barry and Reggie were alwaas talkkin bout givin me semen infections. They saiys you can take it orallly aor anually. Thye lafft alot an looked at eadhc another funny so’s I diin’t geti involved … Moose would just shake her hed “no” like.

    y’Know, I was a Irisher …… but I never did done that ………..

  3. I’ve never injected my own semen into myself, but I have on occasion injected some into another person.

    And on two different occasions it caused some very significant abdominal swelling in this person; to the extent she needed a brief stay in a hospital


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