Irony Alert: ‘Coonery’ Filmmaker Keeps Oprah Winfrey Afloat – IOTW Report

Irony Alert: ‘Coonery’ Filmmaker Keeps Oprah Winfrey Afloat

oprah aliens

Breitbart: The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) was headed to the ash-bin of history when its founder, race-hoaxer Oprah Winfrey, turned to one man: Tyler Perry. In just a few short years, Perry’s programming, primarily two sitcoms, turned the fortunes of OWN around. A cable network once on the verge of extinction is now doing well enough to avoid that talk. The irony, though, is that Winfrey turned to a man whose extremely popular (and Christian-themed) work is despised by a number of black leftists.

This includes Spike Lee, who labeled Perry’s work as “Coonery,” and the author of a recent Perry profile for Vulture:

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7 Comments on Irony Alert: ‘Coonery’ Filmmaker Keeps Oprah Winfrey Afloat

  1. Wow, the guy has been around and has a lot of huge hits. He sounds like a fine man.

    I have never heard of him. In fact when I first saw the name in the tease above, I thought, that lead singer from Journey is making TV shows for Oprah?

    Now I realize I’m somewhat unplugged from the entertainment culture but the black subset is so totally off my radar that it may as well be happening on the dark side of the Moon.

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