IRS denies Christian nonprofit tax exemption, saying biblical values are Republican – IOTW Report

IRS denies Christian nonprofit tax exemption, saying biblical values are Republican

(The Center Square) – A Christian group in Texas has released documents showing the IRS denied their organization’s application for tax exempt status in part because the IRS says “Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates.”

Christians Engaged, a faith-based group working to get Christians active in government, is challenging the IRS after the federal agency denied their application for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.

“You instruct individuals on issues that are prominent in political campaigns and instruct them on what the Bible says about the issue and how they should vote,” the denial letter from IRS director of exempt organizations Stephen Martin, says. “These issues include the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, and biblical justice. These issues generally distinguish candidates and are associated with political party platforms. These facts preclude you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).

“The bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates. This disqualifies you…” the letter adds. more

24 Comments on IRS denies Christian nonprofit tax exemption, saying biblical values are Republican

  1. I wish some incident would touch this explosion off. No matter who we vote for the problem can’t be fixed by trying to weed out the bad politicians. It’s the career people behind the scenes that have to go and that’s at least 90% of the bastards.
    Better to start over.

  2. Prime example of why the necessity for separation of church & state is needed. I don’t what some bible thumping bigots shoving trash talk views at me, let alone pushing their political agenda on top of it. Hit where it counts, the old pocket book. This has gotten way outta hand. The line has to drawn or every 2-bit fanatical religion will use these same techniques.

  3. So any tax exempt abortion rights group, LGBT, etc should be denied as well correct? After all these are Democrat platforms.

    So tax exempt status now depends if anything in your platform falls in line with a political platform?

  4. I don’t know that Republicans are Christian, but it is absolute and unequivocal that people who subscribe to what the Democrat Party/Progressive movement supports, favors a political Party that is actively and openly hostile to God and Christianity. The Democrats made it perfectly clear where they stand on this when they booed God, not once but three times at their National Nominating Convention.

    “The boos from the floor were aimed at Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was running the convention at the time, and asked for three separate voice votes on the amendment that restored a mention of God. On the 3rd vote, Villaigosa ruled that the “Ayes” had won—by a two-thirds majority.”

  5. “gin calls for Nuke – film at eleven”
    I figure 1 W-80 about 1500 feet above the swamp, set to 150kT should do it. Wait for a day when they’re all there and get them all.

  6. This is actually great news for Republicans. They have the official word of the Government that they are aligned with Biblical values. That’s a campaign theme you can run on!


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