IRS pays up for targeting conservative groups – IOTW Report

IRS pays up for targeting conservative groups


A tea party leader in Ohio is pleased that the Internal Revenue Service must pay millions of dollars to tea party groups that were targeted by the agency in the run up to the 2012 presidential election.

Last week a federal judge in Cincinnati signed off on the settlement between the IRS and hundreds of tea party groups to close out a major legal battle over unwarranted and illegal targeting of the groups. The IRS will pay $3.5 million to the tea party organizations that were wronged by intrusive inspections – and the agency insists it has taken steps to ensure that political targeting won’t occur in the future. Former IRS official Lois Lerner (pictured) was at the center of the controversy.

Tom Zawistowski is executive director of the Portage County Tea Party. At the time of filing of the suit, he was president of the lead plaintiff in the case: the Ohio Liberty Coalition.

“It’s kind of bittersweet. When you get a judgment against the federal government, it’s kind of like getting a judgment against yourself because they’re going to use tax money to pay it. But we do think it’s important. The dollar amount seems to put in people’s minds that it was serious because there was a serious fine. And we think that’s a good message to send as well.”  MORE


14 Comments on IRS pays up for targeting conservative groups

  1. Pays up my ass! That’s our money they took from us. I’m not going to see any of that. I’m being double dipped. Bullshit! Take it from the guilty parties, not the damn Agency.

  2. They’ll pay up when they pay up criminally. Put the guilty scum in prison instead of offering up our own tax dollars. The IRS jerks must be having a good laugh at that.

  3. Bullshit !
    As a taxpayer I’m tired and disgusted that taxpayers pay for the illegal, wrong doing of government hacks who end up with no charges and a cushy retirement and benefits plan.

    The establishment takes care of their bureaucratic minions who do their illegal bidding.

    Will it ever end? I don’t see any effort to change.

    Hello Jeff? Are you awake? Didn’t think so.

  4. Isn’t a legal settlement involving proof of wrongdoing…doesn’t it point should point to criminal wrongdoing by Lerner and company. This is a travesty. We all have standing to accuse the Justice Dept. of every kind of negligence.

  5. So that’s how justice in America works, a pay off for a crime paid by the victims. It will happen again because the guilty in Washington, once again, got cleanly and safely away with a crime on the American voter and the election system.

  6. Irate Nate
    AUGUST 14, 2018 AT 10:15 AM
    “Remind me again – where does the IRS get the money to pay this fine?”

    In a perfect world, out of Lois Learner’s and Snake Head’s pension.

  7. Yep, they got the headline wrong! Intentionally.
    It should read –
    Taxpayers pay for corrupt practices of IRS management during Obama era.

    Taxpayers are also paying six figure retirement income to those same managers.

    Justice and common sense are in lockup – not the guilty parties.

  8. What appears lost on everyone is the good that would have been done with that money if it were in the hands of the TEA Party in the first place. That is the one and true casualty here. My tax dollars already go toward jogging shrimp, so I have no beef with it landing in the lap of fellow patriots for a change.


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