IRS rehired fired personnel – IOTW Report

IRS rehired fired personnel

The most important step in the coming months will be President Trump’s choice to replace Koskinen as IRS Commissioner. Koskinen’s term ends in November.

WND: More than 200 IRS personnel who were fired for unethical and even criminal actions in connection with the targeting of conservatives are now back on the job, according to an inspector general’s report.

According to the Office of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, 213 people were rehired by the IRS despite a checkered history with the agency.

Those allowed back in between January 2015 and March 2016 include four people who were fired or resigned for failure to properly file their own income taxes. Four had been axed for improperly accessing taxpayer information, 86 others left while being probed for questionable leave, disrupting the workplace or failing to follow instructions, and 27 failed to disclose a conviction or being fired on their applications.

The inspector general’s report shows the audit was requested by an unnamed U.S. senator who was concerned about lax hiring practices at the IRS. The report concludes there was reason to be concerned.

“The IRS has not effectively updated or implemented hiring policies to fully consider past IRS conduct and performance issues prior to making a tentative decision to hire former employees, including those who were terminated or separated during an investigation of a substantiated conduct or performance issue,” said the report.

Out of 7,500 hires in the evaluation period, 213 raised red flags, and six of those were also flagged for improper conduct since returning.

“Although the IRS may have had a valid basis to rehire some of the more than 200 former employees with prior conduct or performance issues, TIGTA has serious concerns about the IRS’s decision to rehire certain employees, such as those who willfully failed to meet their Federal tax responsibilities,” the report stated.  more here

18 Comments on IRS rehired fired personnel

  1. Benito,
    Guess what? Not only are you blocked from twitter and paypal and demonetized on youtube, you’re gonna be audited by the infernal revenue service for the last seven years.

  2. The lack of action against the criminals in government causes me to look at Jeff Sessions as being indistinguishable from Trey Gowdy, Darrell Issa, etc. etc. How can anyone in law enforcement justify not going after Lerner and Koskinen and the IRS in general?

  3. NOW you know why all those government jobs you see on the internet are never filled by people like you.

    They hire (and re-hire) all their buddies to fill those jobs. Have you ever seen ANY principals or teaching staff that had an UNEMPLOYED daughter that was also a teacher? No. Districts do teacher swaps. You hire mine, I’ll hire yours.

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