IRS whistleblower’s lawyer says WaPo could become accessory to Hunter Biden legal team – IOTW Report

IRS whistleblower’s lawyer says WaPo could become accessory to Hunter Biden legal team

JTN- Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt, whose organization is representing IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, says that if the Washington Post does not come clean and say that Shapley never spoke with them, then the paper is acting as accessory to Hunter Biden’s legal defense. 

Hunter Biden’s attorneys have accused Shapley of illegally leaking to the Post for its October 2022 story titled, “Federal agents see chargeable tax, gun-purchase case against Hunter Biden.” 

Biden attorney Abbe Lowell cited the story in a letter late last month attacking Shapley and other IRS whistleblowers for alleged “illegal leaks” and said the whistleblowers “may be claiming that title in an attempt to evade their own misconduct” as part of “an obvious ploy to feed the misinformation campaign to harm our client, Hunter Biden, as a vehicle to attack his father.” more

3 Comments on IRS whistleblower’s lawyer says WaPo could become accessory to Hunter Biden legal team

  1. And a large majority will show their disdain by making Bezo’s more wealthy by utilizing his Prime site because they would rather have their chinese junk at a discount price.

    And Bezo’s knows that.

  2. Everyone who works for the i r s is the lowest form of life on earth. They literally take the money people need to feed their children so it can be spent on the most ridiculous stuff ever dreamed up.


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