IRS Will Investigate Clinton Foundation ‘Pay-to-Play’ Corruption Accusations – IOTW Report

IRS Will Investigate Clinton Foundation ‘Pay-to-Play’ Corruption Accusations

WFB: The IRS confirmed it would investigate accusations of corrupt “pay-to-play” practices at the Clinton Foundation brought by over 60 Republican lawmakers who asked the agency to review potential “public corruption” in the organization.

In a July 22 letter, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen wrote to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.), who is leading the probe, saying he had referred the congressional charges to the agency’s Exempt Organizations Program based in Dallas, the Daily Caller first reported this week.

Blackburn joined 63 other Republican House members demanding in a letter to Koskinen, FBI leaders, and the Federal Trade Commission earlier this month that the agencies probe the Clinton Foundation. The lawmakers charged that IRS filings “portray a lawless ‘pay-to-play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated.”

“The Clintons have used their foundation to personally enrich themselves at the expense of American foreign policy,” Blackburn said in a statement Tuesday. “At a minimum, the Foundation’s tax-exempt status needs to be reviewed and revoked immediately.”  MORE

26 Comments on IRS Will Investigate Clinton Foundation ‘Pay-to-Play’ Corruption Accusations

  1. I guess the “professional and non-partisan)” FBI is tired after the thorough investigation of the national security breach from Hillary’s email server.

    Take a vacation boys, the elite are appreciative.
    Take a pay raise too.
    Gutless F’ing bureaucrats.

  2. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and scream….


    Other than the dimrats complaining about the money wasted (when do they ever care about waste) in this investigation where rules and law are only applicable to us lowly subjects.

  3. The show is starting off with some pretty funny jokes.
    Clinton camp: We’re not being investigated, you lying bastards!!!
    [1 day later]
    Ok so yeah, the IRS said we’re being investigated.

  4. Hey, Koskinen, why don’t you just hire some Broadway people and do a musical about an IRS investigation of the Clintons? That way, a bunch of lefties would be paying for the kabuki theater, not me.

  5. IRS is bringing back Lois Lerner to conduct a thorough investigation.
    It is believed that the “not for profit” status of the Clinton foundation was the direct result of IRS employees in Cincinnati.

  6. FBI Director Comey, “The Teflon Fairy Godmother,” was responsible for Her Teflonness current indictment-free run at the Presidency.

    The IRS will not fare any different and by time they conclude their investigation we’ll be celebrating America’s Tricentennial.

  7. “Nowhere does this letter say that there’s an investigation, or that the IRS is even considering an investigation,” the source told Fox News. A Clinton campaign spokesman called the allegations “another baseless political attack from House Republicans.”

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